Deleted Tweets From Walter Jones, R-N.C.
Walter Jones's accounts: RepWalterJones, WalterJones2018
Tracked Between: March 26, 2009-February 11, 2019
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Today I had the honor of reading House Mouse, Senate Mouse to students at Creswell Elementary in the 3rd district:
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Today I had the honor of reading House Mouse, Senate Mouse to students at Creswell Elementary in the 3rd district:
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Congress folded like a cheap suit last night. Check out why I voted no on the #CRomnibus:
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Last week I had the honor of speaking to the inspiring students at the Arendell Parrott Academy. Check it out:
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Yesterday I hosted a press conference on the effort to #declassify the 28 pgs of the Joint Inquiry into 9/11:
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Obama has greatly abused executive orders & SOTU indicates it will only get worse. Good @newstimesonline editorial:
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Honored to join @SenatorBurr in presenting the Gold Medal Award to the Third District's art competition winner.
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Please join me in telling the president to bring our troops home starting in the summer of 2013, NOT 2014
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Disappointed the Senate voted to table the Blount Amendment, which would have protected the rights of conscience of employers.
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Making it Rain at Strip Clubs with Uncle Sam's Cash? Not any more. The taxpayer funded stripper parties need to stop.
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
"@DarrellIssa: do you know how many DoJ official accounts of #FastAndFurious #Holder hiding is hiding? INFOGRAPHIC:"
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Wright Bros Nat Memorial will waive their entrance fee for all visitors on MLK weekend from Sat, Jan 14 to Mon, Jan 16
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Thank you to my colleague @DarrellIssa for his dogged efforts to get Eric Holder to tell the truth about #FastAndFurius
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Last night @wnct9 reported on my resolution calling on DOD to declassify POW/MIA records for families of missing and unaccounted for troops.
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
I happy to join as a cosponsor of H.Res. 490 a resolution of no confidence in AG Eric Holder. Enough is enough.
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
Just cosponsored the 2nd Amendment Protection Act which would halts UN funding if the US adopts a UN treaty that infringes upon our rights.
RepWalterJones (R-N.C.)
After years of fighting, I’m thrilled that NC fishermen will finally be allowed to harvest more bluefin tuna