Deleted Tweets From Ro Khanna, D-Calif.
Ro Khanna's accounts: RoKhannaUSA, RepRoKhanna
Tracked Between: July 24, 2013-December 07, 2017
Santa Clara County had created a command center 7 days before the county’s first confirmed case and was the first county to shelter in place. Dr. Cody proved that a reliance on science + a deference to experts is the smart path forward.
The delay here is incomprehensible, and at this point indefensible. Santa Clara County was the first shelter-in-place in the country. 3 weeks later, we have a fraction of the cases compared to the rest of the country. I called from a national shelter in place 10 days ago. QT @javimorgado: New: America’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, said moments ago on CNN that the ENTIRE country sh…
Happy #TransVisibilityDay to all who are celebrating. Today and every day, I am honored to support the power, pride, and resilience of trans communities across the country.
Also, we need remote voting and we need it NOW. As Silicon Valley’s representative I am going to work with leadership to bring Congress into the 21st century. No member should risk their health and public safety to come to DC and vote like this ever again.
Some thoughts from today's vote: The good? ✅ Unemployment checks for indep. contractors ✅ Help for small businesses ✅ Small cash infusion The bad? ❗️No moratorium on rents or mortgages ❗️No restrictions to ensure taxpayers have equity in these massive bailouts
Rural American leads the world in agriculture and innovation. Secretary Vilsack and I are calling for a massive investment in biomanufacturing to rebuild our economy in response to the COVID-19 recession.
2nd #WomensHistoryMonth spotlight, meet Amanda! A local grocery store employee, her team is going out of their way to keep us healthy, taking groceries to cars + delivering food off the clock for at-risk people. They deserve fair pay, paid sick leave & all of our gratitude.
Week 3 of social distancing had me like #tbt
We’re LIVE at my March Town Hall! Post your question in the comments, I will try and get to as many as I can.
This quarter, I welcomed Allan into my DC office as part of our winter intern class. Allan is from #CA17, and helped out my policy team with our work toward making the green new deal a reality. Thanks for all your hard work!
If the coronavirus is really a national security issue, then we can afford a $15 billion investment - that’s 2% of the defense budget - towards investing in testing and treatment.
In many states, non-binary Americans have no way to accurately reflect their gender on identifying documents. My bill will create much-needed opportunities for personal freedom where there often isn’t any.
RT @adrs: Today #resetpod covers the anti-sex trafficking law FOSTA-SESTA that may be making it harder for law enforcement to…
Thank you Santa Clara, for an incredible town hall tonight. That’s our 37th consecutive town hall - once a month, every city in the district.
Our criminal justice system is broken. Discrimination and intolerance are on the rise. Proud to welcome Rev. Moore to the #SOTU tonight as we fight for my #PEACEact to curb police violence in America.
This victory shows that sex workers, and even massage therapists are negatively impacted by SESTA/FOSTA We must investigate the impacts of SESTA/FOSTA, notably the most vulnerable in society My bill w/ @SenWarren is step to understanding the health & safety impacts of the law QT @melissagira: The constitutional challenge to SESTA-FOSTA has been revived—after being tossed for lack of standing, plaintiffs ap…
The freedom of religion is a right guaranteed to us through the Constitution. Today, on #ReligiousFreedomDay, we must reject respect the role of faith in our public square and in our nation’s history.
Egypt should face consequences for Mustafa’s death. Congress can leverage $1.3 billion in military aid to promote human rights and end President el-Sisi’s systemic abuse of prisoners + crackdown on dissent. We have to stand for human rights across the world. QT @PostOpinions: The president has bragged about his successes in freeing Americans held abroad. In this case, the administration’s…
The Pentagon fought to remove my bipartisan amendment that had passed the House which would have prohibited funds for any strikes on Iran or Iranian officials. Now we know why.
Congress has the power to change course and stop a war with Iran. @SenSanders and I are introducing legislation to block Pentagon funding for any unilateral actions this president takes to wage war against Iran without Congressional authorization. Enough.