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Deleted Tweets From Ron Cohen, R-Calif.

Deleted Tweets From Ron Cohen, R-Calif.

Ron Cohen's accounts: RonCohenUS17

Tracked Between: May 20, 2018-July 22, 2018

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@Schwarzenegger Mr. Schwarzenegger is part of the (R) party that has abandoned President Trump. Arnold Schwarzenegger...No role model of conservative principles. Remember? @schwarzenegger: You realize @RepRoKhanna is for "Democratic Socalism?" What are you doing? @eastbaycitizen #CA17

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@Schwarzenegger Mr. Schwarenegger (R) is part of the (R) party that has abandoned President Trump. Arnold Schwarzenegger...No role model of conservative principles. @schwarzenegger: You realize @RepRoKhanna is for "Democratic Socalism?" What are you doing? @eastbaycitizen #CA17

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@SueCaro1 @cmarinucci @voxdotcom All Immigrants are NOT Illegal Aliens. Russian "meddling" is NOT Collusion. The (D) spin-doctors use word games for low I.Q. voters. There is no legal definition of "meddling" or "collusion." Vox is a lefty new service. There is no "trickle." The base understands the truth.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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Darn right! Republicans Overwhelmingly Back Trump’s Performance at Putin Summit: Poll https://t.co/52S4nCGcAN via @realalexjones #CA17

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@SweetenedKate @fliume @KQED @NPR If the children are citizens, it matters not. They are minors. No minors vote. You can't give the direct or indirect illegal aliens (children or parents) vote. Utter nonsense.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@RepSwalwell @realDonaldTrump Your ignorance of history is astounding. The Russians have be screwing with our elections since their inception. And we have, with them and with their allies. Grow up. The analogies you try to make, only show your lack of knowledge. But it may work for your low I.Q. base. #CA17

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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RT @realDonaldTrump: Tonight, it was my honor and privilege to nominate Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. #SCOTUS https://t.co/97clc9zifm

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@RepRoKhanna “...and we’ll keep winning, and winning, and then you’ll say: ‘Mr.Trump, we can’t talk so much winning. Please stop!’ And, I’ll say ‘No! We have to keep winning!” #CA17

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@isamuel Someone missed their high school civics class.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@isamuel "Socialism will win." you say. 100 million dead in the 1900's due to various forms of Socialism. You got a job at Harvard? Shocking.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@Junkmail_lt @eastbaycitizen @SueCaro1 @RoKhanna @Ocasio2018 @cmarinucci Cool. Insults from someone anotomus in PA “currently making nothing.” Perhaps you will feel differently, when you are paying taxes.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@Junkmail_lt @eastbaycitizen @SueCaro1 @RoKhanna @Ocasio2018 @cmarinucci Got me on both counts. Tweeting to too many people too fast. Good luck with your business. Enjoy the this, and the next term under (R)s and Mr. Trump.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@sanfranciscoian @eastbaycitizen @SueCaro1 @RoKhanna @Ocasio2018 @cmarinucci Another person that has no idea about democracy and how elections work. Oh, you're in SF. Got it. To be expected.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@non_hollywood @RoKhanna Compelling argument! I'm now convinced by you, that the facts I provided and my conclusion are wrong. I now see it your way.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@non_hollywood @RoKhanna Your an anonymous troll. What would you know about "truth?"

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@WhoseSpine @RepRoKhanna Indeed...you proved my point about Low I.Q. replies. Now, what is really interesting is that we agree, that Paul Ryan is a worthless, establishment tool. Perhaps we want different outcomes, but I don't like how Mr. Ryan caves-in with each budget bill to the (D) agenda.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@negativechug I guess you didn't like the "overturned" part? You seem to have an issue with bodily functions. The judge, incredibly, does not understand that not cooperating with I.C.E. enforcement is, precisely, the essence of "impeding," just as a legal matter. Seems, nor do you.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@negativechug OK...so you are in the camp that says regular citizens are incapable to understand our laws. No thank you. Ron Paul is an American hero. We disagree. That's OK. Cheers!

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@NicanorJourney 6 months to a year. The ruling will be overturned. What happens to me does not matter.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@vjcarmosino Six months to a year. The ruling will be overturned. Mom and Dad are very proud. (D)s are statistically losing their base with this far left nonsense. Keep it up!

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@NDNPhDStudent @Twitter I was just experimenting with promoting a tweet. Indeed, low quality responses!

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@vjcarmosino Mueller is hiring more help to keep himself out of jail. He is the most abusive, conflicted prosecutor in history. I agree, it will be over soon. The Russians are laughing about all this wasted effort.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@vjcarmosino Cute. But you have not watched the Congressional hearings. Rosenstein & Mueller will not walk away. They broke too many rules.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@Winning17Trump I guess you misread my tweet. I support Trump. Slow down a bit.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@NDNPhDStudent @Twitter Thanks. We can disagree, yet be agreeable.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@vjcarmosino Got it. 70 IQ.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@negativechug Actually, that was clever. Thanks! Made me smile.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@vjcarmosino No. They are self-dealing, deep state in operatives who only care about their own position and power. Party labels only tell 1/2 the story. G.W. Bush should be in jail. It matters not he was an (R). Use your head and stop watching CNN.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@negativechug Got it. 70 IQ.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@vjcarmosino Six months to a year. The ruling will be overturned. Dad and Mom are be proud.

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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“Refusing to help is not the same as impeding,” wrote Mendez. Judge Mendez is a moron, and will, ultimately be overturned. https://t.co/AKKIB1qZWW

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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See: Ron's Daily Blog: 7/5/2018: Immigration, I.Q. and "Don't marry your cousins!!! https://t.co/UoKB8XNidR

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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Yemenis have a valid claim of asylum. The Saudis are killing them. But why in the heck are they going all the way to South Korea? I know. $$$$ The Koreans have every right to defend their culture. https://t.co/U6Hst40v2e

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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Yemenis have a valid claim of asylum. But why in the heck are they going all the way to South Korea? I know. $$$$ They Koreans have every right to defend their culture. https://t.co/U6Hst40v2e

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@johncardillo Thanks for pushing this issue. Her response in neurotic, which is normal for someone who has been caught. She should have just admitted it. She left, had a good life, and came back to try to do some good! That's a good, honest, narrative. R

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@KevinLiao_ You are absolutely right. President Obama was not an Arab. He was born in Hawaii, the son of Frank Marshall Davis, a ex-Chicago resident, who was a well known Black communist & pornographer, including w/ pictures of Obama's mother, Ann Dun

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@KevinLiao_ @eastbaycitizen You are absolutely right. President Obama was not an Arab. He was born in Hawaii, the son of Frank Marshall Davis, a ex-Chicago resident, who was a well know Black communist & pornographer, including w/ pictures of Obama's

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@RoKhanna Right! Rather we should use corrupt public prisons with lots of union employees. NOT! I'd guess 95% of these cases could be handled as immediate deportation. THAT is what we should do.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@KenDenmead @ACLU @RoKhanna So many confused, mislead people!!

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@politico I'm sure that his mother is very proud...that she raised such a retch. He has a fair question. I disagree there is any connection, but it is a fair question. His timing in asking it is a symptom of his Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@RobBonta @eastbaycitizen I'll give you a bit more time to reply. But, so far, indeed...CRICKETS! @RobBonta

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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Also, she is Pro-Palestinian and Anti-Israel. Case closed on her. https://t.co/p3qODdCuiy QT @RonCohenUS17: Got it. She is a fraud who is using the Left. "Girl From The Bronx" Ocasio-Cortez Called Out In Fact Check; Actua… https://t.co/c45krB4oNG)

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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Just found out she is pro-Palestinian and Anti-Israel. OK, case closed of her. https://t.co/p3qODdCuiy QT @RonCohenUS17: Got it. She is a fraud who is using the Left. "Girl From The Bronx" Ocasio-Cortez Called Out In Fact Check; Actua… https://t.co/c45krB4oNG)

962753952088342528 3bhhrssp bigger

RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@LiviaLove @1MHayes @nowthisnews @Ocasio2018 USSR, Nazi Germany, Spain and Italy in the 1930's, China before they adopted some capitalism, Malaysia under Paul Pot, Cuba, stuck in the 1950's, North Korea. The examples are endless. Read a book.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@1MHayes @nowthisnews @Ocasio2018 Now, now...calm down. This political nonsense works in parts of ultra-liberal New York City...20 miles west or east, it just gets giggles.

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@j_nangwa @LiviaLove @1MHayes @nowthisnews @Ocasio2018 "Nationalist SOCIALIST German Workers party." They drew in, even reasonable people by socializing the country, handing out bribes/benefits to supporters, saying capitalism fails, and, WHEN THEY WENT

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@j_nangwa @LiviaLove @1MHayes @nowthisnews @Ocasio2018 Joe misses the point, that @Ocasio2018 could not win a seat in Europe. They use the term "Democratic Socialism" to mean something fiercely capitalistic, except for pension and health benefits. Well, O

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RonCohenUS17 (R-Calif.)

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@LiviaLove @1MHayes @nowthisnews @Ocasio2018 NOT MY COUNTRY! https://t.co/0AVNoid5rg Social Security - broke. Medicare - broke. Amtrak - broke. Bernie Sander's ideas would could $17 Trillion and bankrupt everything. Most of Europe is so broke, they are

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