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Deleted Tweets From Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

Deleted Tweets From Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

Ron Johnson's accounts: RonJohnsonWI, SenRonJohnson

Tracking Since: October 11, 2012

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In Neillsville for their Autumn Harvest Celebration! Great to see so many folks out on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. https://t.co/7vSdxGZ93p

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Under Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin has released over 800 criminals from prison. He supports this policy and wants to release even more criminals. Mandela Barnes cannot be trusted to keep Wisconsin safe. https://t.co/4yomCYzdEh

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Democrat’s open-border policies have created a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. And what’s Mandela Barnes’ solution? He wants to abolish border enforcement. In Mandela Barnes’ and Joe Biden’s America, every state is a border state. https://t.co/yruJ9FeaQP

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Let this sink in – $1.00 at the start of the Biden admin is now worth $0.83. This is the Democrats’ tax on the middle class, and it’s crushing all Americans. https://t.co/vq4s6VPfHl

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Read the room, @POTUS. Hosting an event to celebrate $430 billion in government spending on the same day CPI data reveals 8.3% inflation & a monthly 0.1% core increase? Tone deaf and embarrassing. Democrats are as detached from economic reality as they are from the truth. https://t.co/Mgr43x3dLd

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RT @RNCMKE: Thank you Senator @RonJohnsonWI for hosting a round table with our Hispanic community here in Milwaukee. We are pr… https://t.co/9u3NPrEOK7

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The best way to cap off the day, with @danerepublicans at their Lincoln Reagan Day Dinner with almost 250 attendees. Thank you @JulianBradleyWI for the introduction. We must win this Fight for Freedom, together!

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Packed house today in Fond Du Lac! Our grassroots support is ready to save America from fundamental destruction this November. https://t.co/frGuEaJwN5

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The passage of the destructive Democrat wish-list in the Senate will increase the burden on American families and businesses. We must continue this Fight for Freedom to take back the Senate and put an end to the harmful policies that are bad for Wisconsin and our nation.

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GDP down .9% - that’s a recession. Inflation @ 9.1%. Record high gas prices, rising crime, open borders, and baby formula shortages. Don’t forget, this was caused by Democrat policies and governance. They have to be stopped.

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We’re running a grassroots campaign because hard-working Wisconsin families are paying the most for Democrats’ destructive policies. When I’m re-elected, we’ll restore economic sanity and ease the burden of inflation on working families. https://t.co/KpSiRKDWIM

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My re-election will be crucial to retaking control of the Senate. We have to get our country back on the right track to freedom and prosperity for all. I have extended my fundraising deadline for just today. Can you please join me in this fight?

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$38M has already been spent against me, so I need all the support I can get— and fast! This is a fight we cannot afford to lose. Can I ask you to chip in just $10 right now?

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Regardless of political affiliation, the goal should be to restore confidence in the integrity of our election system. This decision is a big step in the right direction.

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Had a shocking discussion with law enforcement from three Wisconsin counties. Heard some departments are 40% understaffed. Staffing and recruitment shortages are leading to officer burn out. Gas prices are hitting budgets hard. Law enforcement needs our support. https://t.co/ISV1SSEW9C

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RT @RichardGrenell: . @RonJohnsonWI: Democrats try to get us to ignore reality by focusing on ‘Russian election interference’ https://t.co/8YeJI0cB95

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RT @RichardGrenell: Today was the confirmation hearing for Jeff Hovenier to U.S. Ambassdor to Kosovo. I asked @RonJohnsonWI about the… https://t.co/3gNlrq7fFK

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