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Deleted Tweets From Russ Fulcher, R-Idaho

Deleted Tweets From Russ Fulcher, R-Idaho

Russ Fulcher's accounts: RussFulcher, RepRussFulcher

Tracking Since: July 30, 2010

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"God gave us the resources we need, and also the mind to manage them wisely. We're failing on the latter part." I spoke in support of H.Res.1378 in today's @NatResources markup. We must meet our critical mineral needs and stop our dependence on Russia and China. https://t.co/LEJic38ypg

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On National Day of the Deployed, we honor our men and women in uniform serving across the globe. We also recognize the sacrifices military families make alongside their loved ones. Thank you for your selfless service to your country! https://t.co/FpvH9PGuxB

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Our southern border surpassed 2M illegal crossings in a single fiscal year for the first time on @CBP record — a 300% increase from Aug. 2020. This administration’s policies and failure to address the border have created a humanitarian crisis for those fleeing communist regimes.

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ICYMI - I joined the Kasper & Chris Show on Thursday to wrap up the week in Congress. ️ Listen to the full interview here: https://t.co/f35GFDnJij https://t.co/LGlcW0wWrp

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ICYMI - I joined the Kasper & Chris Show on Thursday to wrap up the week in Congress. ️ Listen to the full interview here: https://t.co/f35GFDnJij https://t.co/KJ76Ucn30E

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Coming up at 7:05am MT, I will be joining @kevinmillershow to preview the week as Congress returns to D.C. Listen at the link below ⬇️ https://t.co/eZSzgEhs3c

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Coming up at 7:05am MT, I will be joining @kevinmillershow to preview the week as Congress returns to D.C. Listen at the link below ⬇️

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In response to the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, violence against pro-life clinics and churches continue to be reported. I am signing on to H.Res. 1233 to condemn these attacks and affirm the important work of organizations advocating for life. https://t.co/M8mXUe2XwP

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In today's @EdLaborGOP markup, I spoke in support of including potatoes in school breakfast programs. Potatoes are an affordable vegetable rich in nutrients and vitamins, and offer schools and students alike some tasty flexibility in their meal programs. https://t.co/zGG2BCcASs

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.@NatResources is now marking up Democrats' H.R. 2021. The bill's onerous regulations will disincentive investment into critical infrastructure projects in rural and low-income communities — further impacting those hit hardest by rising energy costs. https://t.co/imWpfgyohi

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Today, I spoke in opposition to H.R. 8296 and H.R. 8297 and in defense of the unborn. WATCH: https://t.co/ZZLqBYvtsy

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Congratulations to Kathryn Colson from Bonners Ferry on being named as @librarycongressThe Library of Congress@librarycongress Junior Fellow! You can check out this summer project via a virtual event on July 20 – learn more at: https://t.co/t9UPse1GpZ https://t.co/1KvAa04Acm

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RT @JimBridenstine: .@NASASTEM has the resources you need to keep your kids engaged and learning about space! Check out the NASA STEM @… https://t.co/gfldf7Acio

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The right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being at all stages of life. Thank you to @ Nothing in this bill shall be construed to authorize the prosecution of any woman for the death of her unborn child. https://t.co/sL1Ih6pA86

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"How can we recover America’s wildlife when we are incinerating their habitat year after year?" That is the question I posed to my colleagues during amendment debate on the RAWA. If we are serious about protecting critical habitat, we must begin with active forest management. https://t.co/GLHZsrC80G

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Today is the U.S. Army’s 247th birthday! Thank you to all who have served to defend our nation. https://t.co/gCD7ifSCt4

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Thank you to the Idaho Association of Loggers for the invitation to your annual conference in beautiful Orofino, Idaho! https://t.co/pf8Z8ksbhr

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RT @IdahoCOVID19: Idaho wants to hear from small businesses impacted by coronavirus. The State of Idaho will need responses from smal… https://t.co/qkLvgdMqCp

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The Biden Administration's politically motivated delays of oil and gas lease sales represent a clear violation of requirements under the Mineral Leasing Act. Read our letter to Secretary Haaland on this issue: https://t.co/LlPBeWiq7z https://t.co/1uIWe6E0bd

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I joined a letter to Congressional leadership urging them to continue the ESA listing prohibition for the greater sage-grouse. Conservation is exceptionally important in the West, but success is only possible when all stakeholders are involved. Read more: https://t.co/fkvcl2VN7z https://t.co/78YHkVc9FD

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Recently on the @nateshelman Show, I discussed the mandates from the Biden Administration and the latest on the debt ceiling. Listen to a preview below, or click here for the full interview: https://t.co/CU9TEydHmL https://t.co/WTr81OhI97

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The latest IRS overreach from the Biden Administration will impact 100 million Americans who use apps like Venmo, PayPal, and Cash App. Read this analysis from@FreedomWorks: https://t.co/bHxbB6OMBP

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RT @RepublicanStudy: Democrats want their $3.5 trillion spending bill to allow the IRS to review every account above a $600 balance, or… https://t.co/ciDogQYpy1

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Proud to co-sponsor Whip @SteveScalise H.Con.Res. 34 condemning a carbon tax. Such a tax would have devastating effects for energy-intensive industries like agriculture, Idaho's largest economic sector. https://t.co/4k8pT72PSA

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This past year, America’s energy infrastructure has faced foreign attacks and natural disasters. These challenges highlight the necessity of securing American energy independence. Thank you to @westerncaucus and @NatResources for hosting this discussion: https://t.co/73gyOO9mUg https://t.co/BXUF7p9ppb

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The massive spending bill being voted on today packages many of the provisions I opposed in @EdLaborGOP, including provisions that: Embolden federal bureaucrats Rig union elections Limit educational opportunities for vets & low-income students https://t.co/sOej4gLfvw

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Today, the #VIPAct passed the House with bipartisan support! To learn more about this legislation, watch my recent opening statement in @NatResources: https://t.co/1GZ3bJ6tuQ https://t.co/X4PfbFrrP9

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The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act makes it a crime to knowingly transport a minor across state lines to obtain an abortion without satisfying parental involvement law in the minor’s state of residence. I've cosponsored this bill: https://t.co/z1ZRX4t139

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Tune in to @KevinMillerShow at 6:10am Mountain for this week’s Congressional Update. Listen LIVE here: https://t.co/31kuX7Y0Wi

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I’ll be going LIVE with @KBOI670‘s Kasper and Chris at 6:06am Mountain. Listen to the interview here: https://t.co/9I9dac0dFW https://t.co/yvL43EVw15

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Congressional Democrats have introduced legislation to expand the Supreme Court from nine to thirteen justices. Take the survey below to let me know where you stand: https://t.co/CrWj5ZxFW2

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Congratuations to Kinzo Heath Mihara of Hauser, Idaho that was named a #CarnegieHero, and awarded the Carnegie Medal for an extraordinary act of heroism for rescuing a 78 y/o man from burning in helicopter crash in Rathdrum. To read more, visit: https://t.co/wpPCm68fEd

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It was my pleasure to introduce @GovernorLittle during this morning’s National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Subcommittee hearing. Gov. Little laid out how the Biden Administration’s public lands agenda will hurt states like Idaho. Watch the full video: https://t.co/FRSy6lfFUp https://t.co/JxRW5c5nCg

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My amendment to #CAPTA will create a working group to ensure proper due process is followed for additions and removal of persons on state child abuse and neglect registries. These lists have serious implications and a fair process must be followed.

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@realDailyWire looks at my amendment to stop taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants: https://t.co/vnxVG4KJp9

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By increasing the minimum wage to $15/hour, it's estimated 1.3 million currently-employed people will be jobless. This broad jump worries not only the Congressional Budget Office, but should ring alarm bells for families everywhere https://t.co/A5R8i6KAvI

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RT @YatesDCIA: An honor to talk with @RepRussFulcher in his new office. What kind friends he and his family have been over the years. I wish him every success in representing Idaho's CD1 in the nation's capital. https://t.co/OglTqv0eZp

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House admin & Speaker Pelosi have enacted COVID precautions for voting, testing on-site, & masks, so why are there 89 proxy letters from democrats to not show up to work? I urge my dem colleagues to show up & properly debate the terms of this ~trillion $ package. This isn’t right

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Thank you to Jude from Idaho for sending in a letter to our office. I agree! https://t.co/K50L4YRdRP

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@NFIB is the , and it is an honor to receive the Guardian of Small Business Award from them! #smallbizguardian #idpol https://t.co/PuS6deOpaA

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RT @SenatorBraun: Abortion is not healthcare. A procedure where a successful outcome is the death of a living human being - born or… https://t.co/T7hXD3iTpN

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In its 35th year of honoring the nation’s best high school athletes, @Gatorade has announced the 2019-20 Idaho Players of the Year. A big congratulations to these students for their dedication and achievement of this recognition! See the full list here: https://t.co/9BTHcxtSAd https://t.co/xU1CdwSqSc

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RT @Buddy_Carter: Scared @MikeGarcia2020 will win a fair fight, California Democrats are trying to stack the deck. We can’t let that happen… QT @NRCC: BREAKING: Dems & @ChristyforCA25 are trying to steal #CA25 special election from @MikeGarcia2020 in plain sight! Re… https://t.co/lzxXe7R1iT)

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Nice to see our longtime business partner Taiwan donating 100k masks Idaho. Taiwan is one of the top 5 export markets for Idaho’s products and this is a great boost to our ongoing and ramped up production in the United States. https://t.co/br4ahvbHb0

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Great to hear that Tedder Industries in Haden, Idaho has stepped up to offer their commercial sewing machines to provide medical masks for Kootenai Health. https://t.co/NZyc2MjfPv

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Today @MikeCrapo @SenatorRisch @CongMikeSimpson and myself announced the 2020 Idaho Academy Days. I wish the best to these bright Idahoans as they navigate the application process and reach their goal of serving our country. https://t.co/3QRXihdMZ3

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