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Deleted Tweets From Sean Casten, D-Ill.

Deleted Tweets From Sean Casten, D-Ill.

Sean Casten's accounts: SeanCasten, RepCasten, VoteCasten

Tracking Since: November 02, 2017

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PSA: Illinois recently expanding free coronavirus testing to all residents. I urge everyone who attended a protest or demonstration this weekend to get tested ASAP. https://t.co/Q8kLi3dYB1

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This weekend, I had the opportunity to march with and hear from young leaders from across my community. Different races, different religions, different experiences, but all certain to tell me that change can’t wait & they won’t let it wait. They’re right. And I won’t either. https://t.co/dWiCHbXTNn

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Yesterday I joined my neighbors in Wheaton and Palatine to honor the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and too many others by demanding change, accountability for racial injustice, and a better future for all. #BlackLivesMattters https://t.co/WJL3tpyLL4

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RT @RepCasten: Yesterday I joined my neighbors in Wheaton and Palatine to honor the lives of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud… https://t.co/t1h3IelzX3

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RT @waltshaub: Reminder: In 2012, the Senate passed the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act (STOCK Act) by a 93-2 vote. One of the… QT @annalecta: SCOOP: NC's GOP Senator Richard Burr told the public he was confident the govt can fight off COVID-19 the same time… https://t.co/g1TlMQOHJL)

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RT @AyannaPressley: UPDATE thanks to your advocacy our Resolution Condemning Police Brutality has over 135 co sponsors as of today Thi… https://t.co/zxWT4TmvKH

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RT @AyannaPressley: Congress needs to act. Call your member of Congress and ask them to co sponsor our resolution & demand a floor vot… https://t.co/NyvmHgmUzy

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RT @AyannaPressley: Our movement is powerful. Thanks to your activism we have over 90 co sponsors signed on to @IlhanMN & my Resolution… https://t.co/eGMSWcAQwF

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RT @RepCasten: As a white man, I will never fully understand the pain black Americans are feeling and have felt for generations. (1/7)

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Today at 2:45 pm CST, I hope you will join me in observing a moment of silence for #8minutesand46seconds organized by @NAACP. If you can, please step away from your day, and take this time to honor the life of George Floyd and to recommit to making a change. #WeAreDoneDying https://t.co/zzjuR4Q7JJ

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So while I will never fully understand, I stand with black Americans across this country demanding change. (7/7) #BlackLivesMatter

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I understand we must act now to address the root causes of inequities & reform our justice system so it works for every American. We must take this moment $ transform it into effective action to address racism, to promote justice & to ensure equal protection under the law. 6/7

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For too long, injustices against people of color have persisted & the brutal murders of George Floyd & Breonna Taylor are just the latest in our long national history of oppression—from slavery to Jim Crow,to the denial of the right to vote,to the disparities exposed by #COVID19.

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I understand that what happened to George Floyd was not an anomaly. His death was part of a pattern—years and years of police brutality and systematic oppression. (4/7)

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But what I do understand, is that those demonstrating are showing us the depth of the pain across our country from the years of systemic racism at every level of society and our failure to provide equal justice before the law.

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As a white man, I will never fully understand the pain black Americans are feeling and have felt for generations.

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We need a President in this moment who will calm us, will empathize and empathize. We do not have one, and I am scared. But it is on all of us to step into that void of leadership. Model the behavior you expect from others right now. Do not stoop to his level.

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I wear a mask for: Our health care & frontline heroes Our scientists, researchers, & public health officials. the 100,000+ Americans killed by #COVID19 to date the countless more lives whose survival will come down to whether each us does what is right. https://t.co/fncbAp686J

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RT @kcelentano: ❤️ If you live in IL-6, you better be Casten your vote this Tuesday, March 20th for @SeanCasten. @VoteCasten #CastenMyVot… QT @FlipThe6thIL: Candidate @seancasten: "Mental health is what politicians talk about when they don't want to talk about gun safety.… https://t.co/gn083bgw6B)

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We’ll be joined by reps from @NavalAcademy, @USCGAcademy , @UsmmaO, @WestPoint_USMA to discuss application requirements, nominations, important deadlines & more. RT to support our students and help ensure they’re equipped with the necessary resources to succeed. https://t.co/mQXeUtv4pz

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