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Deleted Tweets From Richard "Dick" Blumenthal, D-Conn.

Deleted Tweets From Richard "Dick" Blumenthal, D-Conn.

Richard "Dick" Blumenthal's accounts: SenBlumenthal, DickBlumenthal

Tracking Since: April 11, 2011

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7/ To get lasting change we can’t just lock up those convicted of these crimes, but must also work to combat bias & bigotry. The NO HATE Act would allow courts to implement alternative sentencing—requiring people to do educational training/community service to counter their hate.

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8/ The NO HATE Act has support across the ideological, political, & geographic spectrums. I’m proud of the bipartisan coalition we’ve built in Congress & am grateful for the advocates working tirelessly to stop this violence & get this legislation passed. https://t.co/0TtW3f7iuI

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RT @SBAgov: ����: The Shuttered Venue Operators Grant program for live venues and related businesses will start accepting appli… https://t.co/I969hkdzk4

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MBS cannot be allowed to get away with monstrous murder. This new report adds to a mounting pile of evidence of that the Crown Prince is culpable for Khashoggi’s killing & cover-up. A reset in US-Saudi relations & accountability is urgently needed. QT @CNN: JUST IN: A long-awaited declassified US intelligence report on the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi finds the… https://t.co/VLWd9ZPPwR)

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Honored to join today’s ice-breaking trip on the CT River. @USCGNortheastCoast plays an essential role in ensuring our waterways stay safe & navigable during the winter months. https://t.co/LeYnPc2eCE

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Piece by piece, tweet by tweet, the Managers are showing how Trump built that mob just like fire kindling—fueling their furry. This cause & effect connection comes across so palpably. https://t.co/IJ7LKFCoHf

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As Tabitha, a 19 year old advocate from @March4OurLives, shared with me this week—Nothing less than everything is at stake with Judge Barrett’s nomination. She is right. Real rights for real people would be lost with Amy Coney Barrett on the Supreme Court. https://t.co/mxL7RDxofs

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Hundreds of children orphaned because of Trump & his Admin’s brazen, premeditated cruelty—or as they heinously think of it “political strategy.” All who are a part of these horrid humans rights abuses must answer for their actions. https://t.co/l2pRTM87Mc

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The Curran family’s wish for Judge Barrett—please protect Conner & the millions of other people who rely on the ACA. #WhatsAtStake https://t.co/bwUuhjPeFr

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Again, I’m asking Amy Coney Barrett crucial questions about how she would approach a lifetime appointment to our highest court & sharing with her stories from my constituents who know #WhatsAtStake with this nomination. https://t.co/nlw7nUZnBD

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RT @dan_smolnik: Just watched an impassioned and moving speech by Sen. Blumenthal on the floor of the Senate in support of the Clay Hunt SAV Act.

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RT @Jilchrest: Every 9 seconds in the U.S. a woman is assaulted or beaten by an intimate partner. The @NFL did nothing about Karee… https://t.co/DSXQsl04Q6

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Big Tech promised that during a pandemic & economic crisis things would be different. Surprise… it's not. I’m joining @GWIDPP to discuss #COVID19 disinfo & Big Tech's inaction, which often puts profits over people—endangering lives. WATCH LIVE: https://t.co/7vNz33XqdV

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On #NationalMilitarySpouseAppreciationDay, we recognize the unyielding support spouses & partners provide men & women in uniform. Their strength is the backbone of our military.

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Hunger is everywhere, just like COVID-19. I visited mobile CT Food Banks in Hamden & East Haven this week. 700+ families were served & countless others turned away when food ran out. Heartfelt thanks to the volunteers—more federal support is necessary. https://t.co/mnJNPcGXo9

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RT @RachelChinapen: #CT @SenBlumenthal said all we're trying to do is stop the violence, stop the gun violence and injuries to innocent people like Javier

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Proud to join @SenBaldwin on legislation that will use the Defense Production Act to scale up the manufacturing of medical supplies. Ventilators, masks & more are desperately needed by our health care workers who are fighting to save lives. If Trump refuses to act, Congress must. QT @SenatorBaldwin: .@POTUS has not utilized the federal government’s entire authority under the Defense Production Act, so I have intr… https://t.co/rdxbXKXBh7)

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I strongly support & encourage all attending vigils in other CT communities for your powerful advocacy for asylum seekers & other immigrants. I stand with you to reject this policy of fear & cruelty & keep the lights of liberty shining.

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Proud to join CT’s leaders&others gathered in our state tonight to reject ICE’s mass arrests&other tactics that senselessly punish&rip apart families. The Trump admin has pursued a policy of fear&cruelty. These #ICEraids double down on despicable, draconian enforcement tactics. https://t.co/kpv52YR3ig

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Truly tragic. Another migrant child dies after being taken into gov’t custody. Secretary of Homeland Security must immediately provide a full account of what happened & how they will ensure proper medical care for all detained immigrant kids going forward. https://t.co/mCr1sEGRM1

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Added reason for alarm— & independent scrutiny before the Boeing 737 MAX 8 is allowed to fly again. As the FAA’s credibility crisis deepens, the urgency of legislative reform rises. We should end safety outsourcing, slipshod training, & systemic lapses. https://t.co/0yN4j2oXpu

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RT @jmhattem: .@SenBlumenthal first with reaction to NSA decision: "FISA Court got it wrong" + "should empower and embolden reform" http://t.co/arEC11rs8O

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HAPPENING NOW: I join @peoplefor, @renato_mariotti, & others on their #TrumpRussia Facebook live to discuss what the investigation has uncovered, where it could be headed, & why we need transparency. https://t.co/QjOAfe86WD

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President George H.W. Bush earned deep respect across the political spectrum because of his honesty, decency, & undoubted dedication to America. His personal courage, moral fiber, & love for his county, will be deeply missed. Our thoughts & hearts go out to his family.

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RT @Nataliekitro: "We urge XPO to re-evaluate its priorities with its work force and make immediate changes to its current, allegedly… https://t.co/Qrf1sy8E6R

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“How many times does it take to learn? What USAG urgently needs now is a leader who is ready to listen to&seek input from survivors. Moral authority, unimpeachable integrity&independence from wrongdoing are key. More athletes&survivors on the USAG board would help ensure this.”

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Judge Kavanaugh’s hearing begins today. Tune in LIVE as I share why I am deeply troubled by this rushed & reckless nomination process.

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@EversourceCT is on notice. Consumers will not stand for unconscionable rate hikes while reaping the benefits of federal tax breaks.

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This measure will assure the integrity & independence of an investigation vital to national security & public trust in the rule of law. Today's bipartisan Committee vote is historic, in the highest traditions of the Senate as the public expects it

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Great to be back at Career High School in #NewHaven to see their Youth Mental Health First Aid training program in action. These students are learning vital skills, like how to help peers experiencing mental health disturbances. https://t.co/aehsmN4uzx

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Great to be back at Career High School in #NewHaven to see their Youth Mental Health First Aid training program in action. These students are learning vital skills, like how to help peers experiencing mental health disturbances. https://t.co/OPa5nlTJJG

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We cannot avert our eyes. Time to confront this horrific crisis with action to hold Assad - as well as Russian & Iranian enablers - accountable.

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An astonishing escalation in the number of users impacted by Cambridge Analytica’s deceptive data collection – raising new questions about Facebook’s failure to act for so long. https://t.co/hnESE67GZt

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America watches in horror as yet another gun violence tragedy unfolds. Grateful for emergency responders’ quick action as we await more info from #SanBruno. https://t.co/XZy0OUWTfP

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Congratulations @UConnWBB on another historic season. Your grit and determination is unmatched. #UConnNation

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Congratulations @UConnWBB on another historic season. Your grit and determination is unmatched. #UConnNation

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Disarray at Facebook - amid apparent downsizing of security team - make the need for full transparency before Congress more urgent than ever. https://t.co/4xtpcbJFxb

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Obstruction of Justice 101. Pres. Trump’s apparent witness tampering is a textbook example – reminiscent of mob boss tactics I encountered as a prosecutor. https://t.co/cHbN5ZzS5C

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