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Deleted Tweets From Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii

Deleted Tweets From Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii

Brian Schatz's accounts: SenBrianSchatz, brianschatz

Tracking Since: March 21, 2013

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“...that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me G-d.”

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“In do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true fairy and allegiance to the same..”

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RT @JamesSurowiecki: Israel will likely have vaccinated most of its truly vulnerable population within a week or so. It’s taken no breaks,… QT @MaxCRoser: Israel has now vaccinated more than a million people. More than 10% of the country’s population. Other countries… https://t.co/NcSvLG0s4e)

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RT @superwuster: There's more to to antitrust revival than "break 'em up." Here's the full agenda https://t.co/kZmb1OuJnH

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RT @AaronBlake: 84,000 people right now are reading this vital WaPo illustration of the importance of social distancing. That's a… https://t.co/fgagiANR3Y

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So you aren’t for the 2k. Got it. QT @GOPLeader: Democrats appear to be suffering from selective hearing. They've conveniently ignored @realDonaldTrump's call to re… https://t.co/b9DzJoHflR)

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Lots of legit reasons to criticize this bill and the process, but FYI Covid relief was combined with overall government spending bill, so the reason there’s non Covid stuff is because we combined relief bill w the bill to keep government open. (Might delete if my mentions go bad)

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RT @SRuhle: OH MY GOD QT @brianschatz: We almost have a bipartisan COVID package, but at the last minute Republicans are making a demand that WAS NEVER ME… https://t.co/zhdl7C1PXt)

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RT @mpdillon: Thing is, anyone watching this can see how incoherent and unprepared and wobbly he is. But most of the snippets tha… https://t.co/R8sqnO5tD7

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Authoritarianism won’t arrive in America with a Qaddafi type. It will be law degrees and fitted suits, it will be pundits, smart lawyers, intellectuals, and State AG’s and House members. They will not waive weapons - they will waive a constitution which they have scarcely read.

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Authoritarianism will not arrive in America with some swashbuckling guy that looks like Qaddafi. It will look like members of Congress. It will look like lawyers with fancy degrees, and reasonable sounding pundits. It will be people

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Apology not accepted. I don’t know what our legal options are, but I am going to pursue them all. These people offered rebates that literally incentivized overdoses. They use fancy language to hide it but this is just flat evil and they must be punished. https://t.co/Zi8l926IKI

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They were traitors. QT @HawleyMO: The NDAA should not be hijacked for the Democrats’ woke leftist agenda)

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I like this period during which twitter is about Eric Clapton doing something I can’t quite figure out rather than about some new threat to our democracy.

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RT @hshaban: “Long-Shot Mission” When people say the US news media treats politics like a game, that outlets needlessly give de… https://t.co/25kaXMYwcU

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RT @ParkerMolloy: This, from @brianschatz, is a good point about how screwed up this process has been (and also, how the GOP Senate has fun… QT @brianschatz: These guys agreed to the nominee before even hearing who it was. https://t.co/LIL4oAq1DW)

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RT @imillhiser: Mitch McConnell trying to put Judy Shelton on the Fed during lame duck, so that she can try to tank the economy dur… https://t.co/dR2dHKGzAz

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Pacific Islanders are getting infected at much higher rates, and we need to do more to fight outbreaks in these communities. This federal grant is a good start. https://t.co/kbFGUVcc4b

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RT @AnandWrites: “May have a difficult time”? May have a difficult time not doing a coup? QT @igorbobic: "The anger out there in these red states is so deep and palpabale that GOP legislators may have a difficult time se… https://t.co/mppB4VRB10)

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