Deleted Tweets From Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii
Brian Schatz's accounts: SenBrianSchatz, brianschatz
Tracking Since: March 21, 2013
RT @marceelias: Republican Senators today blocked the Senate from even beginning to debate the For the People Act #HR1. In the ne…
RT @marceelias: �BREAKING: This is the biggest voting rights news of the day. DOJ adding another lawsuit in GA is great, but THIS c…
RT @marceelias: I am thrilled that DOJ is suing Georgia.✅ If DOJ is looking for other states laws to challenge, here is a list of where my… QT @kylegriffin1: AG Garland: "The Civil Rights Division continues to analyze other state laws that have been passed, and we are foll…
Being nonplussed by this doesn’t make you savvy. QT @RonFilipkowski: Trump tells PA GOP why he is placing an emphasis on Supervisor of Elections races in 22: “We have to be a lot sharp…
Is voting rights “leftist?” QT @nytdavidbrooks: Today is the day for Biden to begin revamping his presidency in a more centrist direction. There’s no path forward for a leftish agenda.)
RT @LCVoters: � Congress is back in session and the stakes are as high as ever. Join us + @ClimatePower NOW on the need for urgen…
Don't Look Up is a fun and moving film. Also, of course climate change is not literally like a comet coming. It's slower and won't make us all gone. But still!
RT @mims: my timeline is half The Atlantic articles telling me omicron probably isn't that bad and half The Atlantic articles…
RT @TwardowskiDC: This is from 2 days ago. It’s baked in. Don’t panic. He has no power to do what he’s demanding be done. The counting will… QT @axios: BREAKING: Trump has told confidants he'll claim victory Tuesday night if it appears he's "ahead" — even if the outc…
RT @TopherSpiro: Now that everyone better understands airborne transmission, I want to lay out a hopeful near-term strategy that should be feasible. 1/
RT @TopherSpiro: "Cabinet members, senators, Barrett family members and others mixed unencumbered at tightly packed, indoor receptio…
RT @ByronTau: Chris Christie — who rose to prominence as a hard-charging, well-regarded U.S. attorney — said hours before the release of the transcript that Trump would be in trouble if he used language like "do me a favor."
RT @mjs_DC: Joe Biden is absolutely crushing judicial nominations, getting a historically diverse slate of brilliant judges con…
RT @jonlovett: “Oh and one more thing, sorry slipped my mind, you won’t even notice probably, but can we add a little tiny baby provision,… QT @brianschatz: We almost have a bipartisan COVID package, but at the last minute Republicans are making a demand that WAS NEVER ME…
This is overtly anti Semitic and disgusting. Every American Jew of every political affiliation needs to denounce this. QT @jaketapper: jaw dropping. Trump: "evangelical Christians love Israel more than the Jews" in the US "it used to be that Israel…
RT @BrandyZadrozny: To the dear readers who will fill my inbox later with claims that the threat of CRT is real and not just a catch-al…
RT @perrybaconjr: Biden's governing mistakes should be covered aggressively. But Republicans control a lot of states and their govern…
RT @ChristinaJedra: Amid water contamination crisis in Honolulu, Hawaii's congressional delegation is demanding a "wholesale change in…
RT @AnandWrites: Thank you! Exactly this. For more: QT @brianschatz: Universal pre-K, reducing the cost of prescription drugs, and climate action. Don’t call it a “social spending bill…