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Deleted Tweets From Bernard "Bernie" Sanders, I-Vt.

Deleted Tweets From Bernard "Bernie" Sanders, I-Vt.

Bernard "Bernie" Sanders's accounts: SenSanders, BernieSanders

Tracking Since: May 01, 2009

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RT @BernieSanders: LIVE: We are working to pass the most consequential legislation for the working class in decades. Tune in NOW to fi… https://t.co/6bP9oNq2u3

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Let’s be crystal clear. If the bipartisan infrastructure bill is passed on its own on Thursday, this will be in violation of an agreement that was reached within the Democratic Caucus in Congress.

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RT @SenSanders: The time is now to finally address the long-neglected needs of the working class. I'm LIVE on the floor of the Sena… https://t.co/df7vVlWaF7

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We are taking on the ruling class, we are taking on the oligarchs, we are taking on the parametrical industry, we are taking on the health care industry, we are taking on the fossil fuel industry. But if we stand together, we will win.

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Here is the situation. You've got right-wing state legislatures in all 50 states working overtime to roll back voting rights, to prevent people of color, the poor and working class from being able to vote, all to try to subvert the very notion of democracy. We must fight back.

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NOW is the time for Congress to have the courage to stand up to the powerful big money special interests that have such enormous power over the economic and political life of our country. Join our town hall LIVE in Iowa. https://t.co/Oqk5bMr908

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I’m LIVE in Indiana to talk about how we are finally going to address the long-neglected needs of working families, the elderly, the sick and the most vulnerable among us. rtmp://va.pscp.tv:80/x

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RT @AntonioArellano: Excited to be part of this effort to activate and mobilize the Latinx community! @UniNoticias @JoltAction https://t.… QT @BernieSanders: Join me, @JulianCastro and more Tuesday night for “Destino 2020: Votar es Poder” (Destiny 2020: Voting is Power) di… https://t.co/GKeRB4xsr1)

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After 20 years of war, 2,448 American lives lost and over a $1T spent, President Biden made the courageous decision to reject Washington’s failed interventionist consensus and end the Afghanistan war. Now we must do everything we can to support evacuations and welcome refugees.

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At a time when corporate profits are soaring, when major corporations are making billions a year while not paying a nickel in federal income tax, we are going to end the grotesque greed of the obscene wealthy. We are going to demand that they pay their fair share.

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Shock of shocks! A health care system which prioritizes the profits of health insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers over the health of its people is ranked dead last among other majors countries! We need Medicare for All. QT @thehill: Stunning new report ranks US dead last in health care among richest countries—despite spending the most… https://t.co/xiBYjsKOYM)

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RT @pplsbailout: @ossoff We all need a stimulus checks and none of the bills currently out have one! Tell your elected officials we… https://t.co/T81EOEZW2a

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RT @ZephyrTeachout: My opponent, John Faso, was a lobbyist for payday lenders and pipeline companies. I've fought for people. There's a pretty clear contrast.

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