Deleted Tweets From Tiffany Smiley, R-Wash.
Tiffany Smiley's accounts: SmileyForWA
Tracked Between: December 03, 2020-November 19, 2022
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
Murder is up 25% under President Biden and Patty Murray and they're doing nothing about it. We can't accept this as the new normal. I will always stand with our men and women of law enforcement and keep people safe.
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
While record inflation is hurting hard working Americans, Patty Murray is pushing another $3.5 billion spending bill through the senate on a party line vote. Patty Murray is bankrupting the future of this country.
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
While record inflation is hurting hard working Americans, Patty Murray is pushing another $3.5 billion spending bill through the senate on a party line vote. Patty Murray is bankrupting the future of this country.
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
The August Jobs Report is another failure by the Biden Admin. There were only 235,000 jobs added in August, while the expectation was 728,000. Not to mention that the non-farm employment is down 5.3 million from pre-pandemic levels. You deserve better leadership!
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
I echo the call of this bipartisan group for improved outreach to our 800,000 Afghanistan war veterans and am shocked that Sen. Murray didn't join the effort. It's not a Democrat or Republican priority, it's an American priority. Read the letter here,
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
While Patty Murry seems to have gotten her Washington's confused and can’t find her way back from DC, I’m loving my travels across our great state. Check our updated map below & help us keep up the momentum by donating today →
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
The safety of Washingtonians will always be a priority when I’m serving as your senator. Police officers need to know that we are behind them 100%. Click below to show your support!
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
Last week I met Vlado, born & raised in Soviet Russia. I will never forget his words, “Ms Smiley I was born into communism, I will not die into it.” Now more than ever we need leaders & fighters to stand up to career politicians to preserve our freedom for generations to come
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
RT @WFRW: �Club News� East Pierce Republican Women's Club of WA state held their July Freedom Lunch with keynote speaker, US…
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
RT @SmileyForWA: 3 day tour: Clark, Snohomish, Pierce & finished the weekend in King County. The people of Washington are unified, e…
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
RT @VoteBaumgartner: I had the opportunity to visit w R Senate candidate Tiffany Smiley yesterday. Patty better buy some new tennis shoes. @SmileyForWA
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
With only 2 days left in our FIRST fundraising quarter, we are excited to launch The Smiley Report series! This series will fill you in on highlights from the campaign trail! Help us make sure our first quarter is another highlight by donating here:
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
With only 2 days left in our FIRST fundraising quarter, we are excited to launch The Smiley Report series! This series will fill you in on highlights from the campaign trail! Help us make sure our first quarter is another highlight by donating here:
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
3/3 Patty Murray must condemn President Biden’s irresponsible decision to coddle Iran.
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
2/3 Iran is a global threat that seeks to undercut and undermine the United States and our allies, specifically Israel. Biden’s own State Department labels Iran a state sponsor of terror, yet his Administration is opening the door to allowing them to profit.
SmileyForWA (R-Wash.)
1/3 Today’s decision by the Biden Administration to lift Iranian sanctions shows how fundamentally misguided and out of touch this administration is regarding American economic and security policy.