Deleted Tweets From Scott Gottlieb, R-D.C.
Scott Gottlieb's accounts: SteveFDA
Tracked Between: October 20, 2017-January 20, 2021
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @megtirrell: The big things always happen when I am taking a day off. QT @adamfeuerstein: FDA approves first gene therapy targeting rare form of inherited blindness $ONCE History! A…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @lauriemcginley2: FDA approves first gene therapy for an inherited disease
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAOncology: Re-Evaluating Eligibility Criteria for Oncology Clinical Trials: Analysis of Investigational New Drug Applications…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @RAPSorg: .@US_FDA Closes Loophole Companies Used to Skirt Pediatric Study Requirements | #Regulatory Focus…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAOncology: An @FDAOncology perspective: Real-World Data for Clinical Evidence Generation in Oncology @JNCI_Now #OCEpub
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @US_FDA: Marking another exciting development in the field of gene therapy, #FDAapproves the first directly administered gen…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
My remarks on the #FDA’s role in advancing a modern framework for gene therapy
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA issues new policy to close a loophole in how we implement the Orphan Drug Act that drug companies have used to avoid conducting pediatric studies
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @TedOkonCOA: "Broadening of clinical trial eligibility criteria can be considered to better reflect the real-world patient population, i… QT @FDAOncology: Re-Evaluating Eligibility Criteria for Oncology Clinical Trials: Analysis of Investigational New Drug Applications…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
My remarks on the #FDA’s role in advancing modern framework for gene therapy. Early next year we’ll release a comprehensive policy outlining our approach to the proper development and regulation of safe and effective gene therapy
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA issues policy to close a loophole in how we implement the Orphan Drug Act that drug companies have used to avoid conducting pediatric studies.
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @califf001: Engagement of patients in medical product development is the right direction and this collaborative will help us understand… QT @FDA_Patient_Net: FDA and CTTI launch the Patient Engagement Collaborative. This new forum will bring together the patient community…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
"The FDA wants more medical devices in your pocket"
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
#FDA Workshop: Weighing the Evidence - Variant Classification and Interpretation in Precision Oncology - to discuss how #genetic #sequencing data is best implemented in patient management. Jan 29 at FDA or online #NGS
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
As 2017 draws to close I want to acknowledge the staff of #FDA that made these and many other significant public health achievements possible. We also hit a record for most ever generic drug approvals, helping consumers get access to affordable medicines
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
There’s some lament re:orphan grants on secondary indications. But we also see promising uses of approved drugs in very rare diseases go unstudied. Could we change incentive structure when it comes to secondary indications to better target unmet need? 1/2
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
2/2 For example, could we narrow population when it comes to making orphan grants in secondary indications to target ultra orphan conditions; but at same time change incentive structure in secondary uses to entice more development when it comes to these r
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
At #FDA, we hope to work on these and similar broader policy issues to make sure we’re continuing to deliver on the great purpose of the orphan drug program. We’ll be doing more analysis to support sound public policy in 2018.
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAOncology: #FDA Workshop: Weighing the Evidence - Variant Classification and Interpretation in Precision Oncology - to discuss…
SteveFDA (R-D.C.)
RT @FDAOncology: Series in @JCO_ASCO involving @ASCO @CancerResrch and @FDAOncology on broadening clinical trial eligibility criteria