Deleted Tweets From Steve King, R-Iowa
Steve King's accounts: SteveKingIA
Tracked Between: June 17, 2009-December 31, 2020
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
@ainsleyearhardt & @foxandfriends DACAs all have, by definition, lived in the country they would be sent back to, their home country. DACAs are not, by definition, born in the U.S..
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
@CarolTobias1 @nrlc @marklevinshow .@CarolTobias1 @nrlc Why did National Right to Life lobby House Leadership to substitute #BornAlive for #Heartbeat? @marklevinshow
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
@CarolTobias1 @nrlc Why did National Right to Life lobby House Leadership to substitute #BornAlive for #Heartbeat? @marklevinshow
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
RT @SakakiIsCute: The 1st Amendment was put in place so you could print pamphlets to distribute in the town square. Not so you can po… QT @IanKenyonNFL: The 2nd amendment was put into place so you could defend yourself from gov’t with a musket. Not so you can collect assault rifles)
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
Today we morn the loss of 3,000 souls who are victims of September 11, 2001. Pearl Harbor & 9/11 are etched in our memories but so is D-Day.
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
Bambi, grazing just off my back deck this morning; watching me drink my coffee. This is the day the Lord has made.
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
RT @V_of_Europe: Every weekend the destruction of Europe continues. A never ending story
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
RT @V_of_Europe: Theresa May: Net migration will be SLASHED by tens of thousands as Brexit gives us CONTROL
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
RT @V_of_Europe: Strong European leaders absolutely don't like the Hillary for President idea. Bill even has the voice of Soros!
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
To those who would sit out the election because they are standing on principle, it's hard to take a stand when you sitting on the couch.
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
@garykasparov if @realDonaldTrump and @tedcruz were (virtually are) facing each other over a chess board, who do you bet on?
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
Hillsdale College students @CPAC the next generation of principled leaders
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
Ted Cruz gets this Loretta Lynch op-ed irrefutably right. My thoughts exactly. Congratulations on an excellent piece.
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
70 years ago this morning Allied troops landed at #Normandy
SteveKingIA (R-Iowa)
“@geoff_holtzman: Im on the kind of metro train where you think to yourself maybe, just maybe, this is the night i get stabbed in the face.”