Deleted Tweets From Susan Brooks, R-Ind.
Susan Brooks's accounts: SusanBrooksIN, SusanWBrooks
Tracked Between: November 15, 2012-July 04, 2019
SusanBrooksIN (R-Ind.)
RT @jenhallowell: Thanks to @SusanBrooksIN for bringing @PeterRoskam to speak at the Hamilton Co. Lincoln Day dinner. Honored to join @ScottFadness #VoteMay6
SusanWBrooks (R-Ind.)
Big thank you to very one who came out for the Healthcare Listening Session this morning. #IN05
SusanWBrooks (R-Ind.)
Check out photos from my recent Small Business Healthcare Listening Session
SusanWBrooks (R-Ind.)
Team Brooks at the Congressional Women's Softball Game supporting Breast Cancer research. #CWSG
SusanWBrooks (R-Ind.)
RT @IndyGOP: Thanks to @SusanWBrooks for speaking about the adjustments of a first time congresswoman. #indygop #RT
SusanBrooksIN (R-Ind.)
Wonderful meeting with Marion high school students today! 91% graduation rate!
SusanBrooksIN (R-Ind.)
@LakenSisko haha omg. So perfect :)