Deleted Tweets From Tim Swain, R-S.C.
Tim Swain's accounts: SwainForSenate
Tracked Between: May 17, 2021-March 31, 2022
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @SwainForSenate: The real reason they hate him.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @yoopermomma: Ok, this is kinda odd.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
@Acosta Dear Diary…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @SwainForSenate: �BREAKING: Ron Desantis WINS! 11th Circuit REVERSES original ruling and now states that the CDC cannot require vacc…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
11 MINUTES LEFT TO VOTE! LETS WIN! AMERICA FIRST! QT @MillerStanIL: Who will win SC senate primary?)
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
UPDATE: I am not sure how this affects Florida’s appeal to SCOTUS. Now will the CDC appeal? No one should be discriminated against for taking/not taking the vaccine. We cannot allow a 2-tiered society to form. End the mandates/restrictions! Say YES to personal responsibility!
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Good morning to everyone except Biden’s DOJ who just announced they are refusing to investigate the nursing home murders that happened in MI, NY, NJ, & PA. Time to disband the DOJ/FBI & start over.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
The biggest consequence of the lockdowns was the transfer of wealth from small-businesses to corporations. An unprecedented war on the middle class that was brought upon us on by government bureaucrats. Never again.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
During the next 13 months, the most unprecedented movement in modern American history to delegitimize, intimidate, and stoke fear into the Supreme Court of the United States will occur. From Hollywood to DC, it will be unparalleled. Prepare yourself. Pray for the justices.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Thank you Liz! I can’t wait for the audit in AZ to prove what we’ve known since November! QT @realLizUSA: The best poll was on Election Day -- when the corruption of Fulton County, Wayne, Maricopa, Philadelphia, etc. were…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
You never give amnesty to people who come illegally Senator Graham. #NeverAmnesty #AmericaFirst QT @thehill: Sen. Lindsey Graham: "You don't give amnesty and hope people won't keep coming. You secure the border, then you pro…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @realLizUSA: Giant TRUMP WON flag on streets of Miami ���
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
WHOA! Five counties in Michigan saying they’ll break the law and ignore a cease and desist order, all to keep you from seeing just how “free and fair” their election was! H/T @BrebDaily QT @BrebDaily: #BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 20…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Siri - Define “Entrapment” QT @thehill: The FBI was involved when the plot began and allegedly had informants encouraging the group to further its plans.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Mere hours ago the VAERS report “updated” and showed the deaths from the vaccine have doubled. Mitch is NOT a doctor and not qualified to give this advice. He should be removed from his position immediately. QT @LeaderMcConnell: Middle-class families are already facing runaway costs. The last thing they need is another massive, reckless taxin…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Our state doesn’t have issues with jobs. Our state is in the 40’s in the nation in median income. Why? You’ve NEVER discussed this BUT it’s because such a large percent of our jobs go to illegals. You want to fix SC economy? E-Verify everyone on every job-site. QT @RepNancyMace: Our economy can and will recover quicker when government stops paying millions of Americans to stay home. Huge cred…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Both of these things are positives for the left. Letting more people in = more election fortification in the future. More Covid cases = lockdowns for wealth transfer. #ImpeachBiden QT @RepMTG: There's been a 900% increase in COVID cases in the Rio Grande Border Valley sector so far in July. Joe Biden's wid…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @ColumbiaBugle: Senator @RandPaul Announcing That He Will Be Sending A Letter To DOJ Asking For A Criminal Referral For Dr. Fauci F…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Every American citizen needs to watch this. QT @ColumbiaBugle: #Thread Tucker Carlson's Full Monologue Responding To The Left's Attempts To Cancel Him & Exposing Mass Immigration…