Deleted Tweets From Tim Swain, R-S.C.
Tim Swain's accounts: SwainForSenate
Tracked Between: May 17, 2021-March 31, 2022
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @RWMaloneMD: "All four had been fully vaccinated" Any assertions that the emergence of the B.1.1.529 (Nu) variant emerged in unv…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Our southern border is still wide open. If you think any of this is about protecting Americans from “mUh dEAdLY virUS,” you really are foolish.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
I’d name it the “OMG who still falls for this crap Variant” QT @disclosetv: JUST IN - WHO names new variant #B11529 as "Omicron")
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
The government isn’t ever going to say, “OK, you can go back to life as normal,” We all must band together and say that we’ve had enough and we are taking our lives back, now! Do not comply!!
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Never apologize to the mob. Lauren obviously wasn’t talking about the Muslim community as a whole. Just a member of it that hates us and hates America. Shouldn’t have done this. QT @RepBoebert: I apologize to anyone in the Muslim community I offended with my comment about Rep. Omar. I have reached out to her…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
There’s no way I could say what I’d like to in response to this and not get suspended forever from Twitter and put on multiple watch lists. Leave the kids out of your sick plan!
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
2 kids, wish I had at least 2 more. Should have started younger. Had first one at 33. QT @RealCandaceO: Men over 40! How many kids do you have? Do you wish you had more kids or less kids? Do you wish you had started a f…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @catturd2: Nobody is buying the fear mongering bullshit anymore.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
.@ChrisRuddyNMX First Emerald and now @CortesSteve, shame on your sorry ass network trying to act like you are pro-conservatives then treating two of the best this way. I will never watch Newsvax again and I will actively petition others to stop watching your station.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
I don’t care how many variants there are or what they name them, I care that Fauci funded it, China made it, and the cowards that claim to represent us are doing nothing to hold either accountable.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
If we devoted 5% as much resources to early treatments as we did to the shots, we could have saved 90% of the lives lost or better. Prove me wrong.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Literally four vaccinated people caused this new variant and the meathead in the WH is using it to push to shots on kids. Absolute unadulterated rage.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Unvaxxed aren’t carrying enough viral load to get you sick with Covid unless they are showing symptoms. Vaxxed can carry enough viral load to get you sick from Covid without them showing symptoms. You tell me, who is a greater threat?
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
No we don’t. Likely almost all of us have some family who’ve taken the shots. We just want to be left alone and go back to life as normal. QT @ScottAdamsSays: Is it my imagination or are the unvaccinated secretly hoping the vaccinated die in large numbers to prove a point?)
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
If you hold contempt towards the unvaxxed because “what if one of them takes up the last hospital bed” Explain to me why your anger isn’t instead with your own party who is firing health care workers by the hundreds of thousands, reducing capacity in hospitals in the first place
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
Good morning to everyone who is sick of the Covid propaganda and is living their lives like normal people.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @SwainForSenate: @ScottAdamsSays @AdamBaldwin False. The vaccinated want us to obey because somehow we are all of a sudden responsib…
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
@ScottAdamsSays @AdamBaldwin False. The vaccinated want us to obey because somehow we are all of a sudden responsible for their health. The unvaccinated just want them to shut up about it.
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
SwainForSenate (R-S.C.)
RT @CariKelemen: The test has a 97% false positive rate. The definition of vac-cine has changed The definition of "vac-cinated" keep…