Deleted Tweets From John Cornyn, R-Texas
John Cornyn's accounts: TeamCornyn, JohnCornyn
Tracking Since: April 02, 2014
RT @SusanCombs: Why is a dime-sized spider going to cost Texans $29 million and untold hours of traffic?
RT @davidzapata21: El Sen. Cornyn cree que debemos simplificar nuestro sistema de impuestos para que tambien beneficien a los negocios pequenos @TeamCornyn
Would a Wall Street shill author a bill that protects taxpayers from more bailouts? Definitely not. #Cornyn4TX
RT @vkalkofen: Huge crowd at @UNAVSA annual conference! @MMJ1776 and I are proud to be with @TeamCornyn to meet new folks! #UNAVSA11
@juanrobertohdz @teamcornyn and Team Hegar are ready to rock! #keepitred
RT @amyvrwc: Getting ready to record an episode of #Cornyncast with Sen. @JohnCornyn. Topic? Protecting the First Amendment!
RT @linearizer: #Iran: How 'worry' gnaws away regime's rulers @Iran_Policy #Senate @JohnCornyn
RT @EdReining: @JohnCornyn Need Senate and Congressional hearings on BLM actions in NV and Red River in OK & TX.
Rs have 23 ideas to help unemployed and grow jobs, but so far Harry Reid allow a Senate vote. People hurting but political games continue.
RT @Thomas1756: RT @JohnCornyn: Why is Harry Reid running out the clock MT B/C Rs trying to renegotiate settled law. ACA is law of land.
RT @TxSkirt: @RepJasonSmith @JohnCornyn since you retweeted this, does that mean you will support the new House Bill. #dontbeafraid #ShutItDown
RT @thebta: .@JohnCornyn in El Paso with BTA's Jesse Hereford, Sylvia Hill of Delphi and Mayor Leeser. Ivan Jaime of UP here 2.
RT @jhf5: @JohnCornyn I hope you support the straw purchase bill, that is one that will stop a lot of guns going into Mexico, or at least help.
RT @TrenchtownTweet: @JohnCornyn markets crashing enough for you yet to get serious? Elections are over. MAKE A DEAL.
RT @rjanderson123: @JohnCornyn the heroes at #Benghazi fought for hours not unlike the heroes at the #Alamo. Help came too late.