Deleted Tweets From Tom Hillgardner, R-N.Y.
Tom Hillgardner's accounts: Tom4CongressNY6
Tracked Between: April 19, 2018-November 07, 2018
Tom4CongressNY6 (R-N.Y.)
America loves socialist policies, that is until they are called socialism. Then it has he cooties. #NY06
Tom4CongressNY6 (R-N.Y.)
RT @HowieHawkins: When Crystal Run health care execs needed to grease the wheels at a state agency, they donated #25k to Cuomo and so…
Tom4CongressNY6 (R-N.Y.)
Psst. @QueensTrib @QueensLedger @QueensChronicle There is a contested election on November 6, 2018 for Member of Congress in New York's Sixth Congressional District, the only CD lying entirely within Queens County. Don't tell anybody! #NY06 #Hillgardner_v_Meng #Green_v_Democrat