Deleted Tweets From Tom Carper, D-Del.
Tom Carper's accounts: TomCarperforDE, SenatorCarper
Tracking Since: January 27, 2012
Two years ago today, @realdonaldtrump cowered away from our obligation to tackle the greatest environmental crisis of our time. It was as shameful then as it is today. The future of our state. and planet, depends on swift, bold leadership to #ActOnClimate
RT @leagueofcities: LIVE NOW: @TomCarperforDE joins local and county officials for our hometown briefing on rebuilding with local gover…
It’s been said that if the American people know the truth, they won't make a mistake. But in an unprecedented move, PresidentTrump has invoked executive privilege to keep the full report from seeing the light of day. What is he hiding?
As a young @USNavy flight officer stationed in San Francisco I joined thousands of Americans to celebrate our nation’s first Earth Day. Looking at this crowd of young, inspired individuals – I’m confident we’re on the brink of yet another watershed moment in protecting our planet
As a young @USNavy flight officer stationed in San Francisco I joined thousands of Americans to celebrate our nation’s first Earth Day. Looking at this crowd of young, inspired individuals – I’m confident we’re on the brink of yet another watershed moment in protecting our planet
@realDonaldTrump says he wants to halt migration to our Southern border. But his decision to cut funding to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras will have the exact opposite effect. @SenatorMenendez and I, along with @SenateDems, are demanding he reverse this foolish decision.
RT @austastical: My boy @TomCarperforDE hand delivered a pride “Tom” sign to me, I love my fans, Senator
I believe that real leaders walk the walk and talk the talk— that’s why I traveled to 3 countries in Centeal America last weekend to see firsthand the crises forcing their citizens to risk so much to get to the U.S.
I believe that real leaders walk the walk and talk the talk— that’s why I traveled to 3 countries in Centeal America last weekend to see firsthand the crises forcing their citizens to risk so much to get to the U.S.
After Scott Pruitt's destructive tenure, I urged Andrew Wheeler to right the ship at @EPA. But on issue after issue, he has kept the agency hurdling down a dangerous path, putting public health at risk. Must-read op-ed from @CleanAirMom’s @DmnqBrowning:
Now @realDonaldTrump has gotten what he said he wanted — a shutdown that puts our economy at risk and forces federal employees to work without pay just days before Christmas. The absolute least our government should be able to do is keep the lights on. Americans deserve better. QT @SenatorCarper: This shutdown could have easily been avoided. Two days ago, the entire Senate — 100 Democrats and Republicans — vot…
This isn’t trivial: Streams and wetlands flow into the rivers, lakes and bays that supply our drinking water and support ecosystems. Relinquishing their protection to private interests under the #DirtyWaterRule is beyond irresponsible.
RT @KathyForAG: I got to spend part of the day walking Market Street with @TomCarperforDE. Not only did we run into some wonderful…
It’s always a pleasure meeting with Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald, Superintendent of the Cesar Rodney School District, but it’s especially exciting when I get to congratulate him on being named @NASStoday's Superintendent of the Year! The First State and its students are lucky to have him
To @realdonaldtrump we can afford hundreds of billions to fund stock buybacks, but we can't find the money for a promised cost of living pay raise for hardworking public servants - 3,000 of whom serve right here in Delaware. QT @AP_Politics: Trump has told Congress that he is canceling a pay raise that most civilian federal employees were due to receive i…
To the residents of Lewes: my staff and I are closely monitoring this situation and stand ready to help if federal assistance is needed. For now, please be sure to follow the guidelines issued by @DHSS. You can learn more here:
.@EPWDems and I are demanding to see all environmental documents from Brett Kavanaugh’s time in the White House. How can we be expected to carry out our constitutional duty to provide advice and consent on this #SCOTUS nominee without a full picture? #WhatAreTheyHiding
I’ve put more than 482,000 miles on my minivan traveling up and down the state, meeting with Delawareans and listening to their concerns about the future of our state and country. Every day I head to work in Washington, I’m fighting for every Delawarean.
@realDonaldTrump’s plan is not what automakers want. It would cause years of uncertainty, hurt American competitiveness, jeopardize jobs, and allow for more air pollution. Idea for POTUS: listen to stakeholders, not extreme voices trying to push a plan no one's interested in. QT @auto_alliance: The Trump administration’s fuel-efficiency proposal is unnecessary and harmful via @BrookingsInst)