Deleted Tweets From Bull Johnson, X-Minn.
Bull Johnson's accounts: TravisBullJohn1
Tracked Between: January 22, 2021-November 22, 2022
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@Lee_Enfield113 @CNN umm, exactly what resources does Afganistan have other then poppies?
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
Spend the afternoon yesterday moving hay bales, wondering "why do I do this", this morning woke up to 11 new baby piggies and remembered, oh yea, thats why. #GrowFoodNotGovernment #RunningOfTheBullMN07
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@drakaina6600 It was not misidentifing them
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
Ok real wild idea. What if we passes a law forbidding government from recognizing any political parties? We do not fund or recognize their primaries? It is all on them.
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
Ag policy, drought, reaching across the aisle, and Belties. #unleashthebullonDC. #runningofthebullMN07
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
Love this little post
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@AntiTaxUnicorn In fairness probably a pretty hung guy
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@LibertarianRed1 Look at the intelligence in those baby blues
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@carynannharlos might take it as an invitation, I would.... I would politely decline, but still would take it that way :)
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@LibertarianRed1 @brycejacksoncvt Not with capitalizing it! Gotta learn the rules first!
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@libertascasii2 I can’t get past the eyes
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@SammiSueWinters think you have all of quals
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@ButtholeOutlaw What no Sir?
TravisBullJohn1 (X-Minn.)
@spicydumdum Smell of gunpowder and loud bangs followed by bodies hitting the ground