Deleted Tweets From Victoria Virasingh, D-Va.
Victoria Virasingh's accounts: Victoria4VA
Tracked Between: August 10, 2021-June 21, 2022
Victoria4VA (D-Va.)
Great time with AGLA - Serving NoVA LGBTQ and Allies! Not only have I found friends within this group but also a shared vision for the future, at the time where is there so much violence and hatred towards our Transgender community members. I am and will always be an ally.
Victoria4VA (D-Va.)
RT @AGKarlRacine: Today, I’m announcing five wins in lawsuits standing up for mistreated District tenants. We’ve returned more than…
Victoria4VA (D-Va.)
RT @SenWarren: .@FederalReserve officials shouldn't trade individual stocks as they make economic policy, & they should avoid actu…
Victoria4VA (D-Va.)
@FuzzeePundit Like most of my peers I’ve had to move back in with my parents. They’ve been generous enough to let me turn the basement into my campaign headquarters! Unfortunately running for Congress doesn’t help lower exploding rent prices
Victoria4VA (D-Va.)
Estoy lanzando a la política para servir a la comunidad que me vio nacer. Unite a mi lucha y juntos venceremos y yo seré tu voz. #LaVictoriaEsNuestra