Deleted Tweets From Antonio Daza-Fernandez, D-Ga.
Antonio Daza-Fernandez's accounts: VoteDaza2022
Tracked Between: April 21, 2021-November 09, 2022
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@RepLoudermilk NO HUMAN IS ILLEGAL! Immigrants who come to the USA seeking asylum, looking for better lives for them & for their families are no different than your ancestors who came from Europe centuries ago… except there’s no genocides, land & resources stealing, slavery… QT @RepLoudermilk: Discussing immigration, COVID-19 and Buckhead on the @ToddStarnes Show.
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@RepLoudermilk .@RepLoudermilk this is the most ridiculous, poor-acted, poorly executed, & invalid argument I’ve seen today. You have the power to save people’s lives in GA/CD-11 by stopping the vaccine lies & by promoting to wear masks.. still, you deny the truth & care only about you. sick!
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
So far I’ve done everything, & more than what society ever expected of me. I’ve succeeded when I’ve put 100% of my mind into something. I’ve also failed many times, but learned the greatest lessons: strength, resilience, inspiration, self-motivation, compassion, & forgiveness.
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@RepLoudermilk Are you familiar with the term “whataboutism”? Probably not. Once you research it… it’ll help you making intelligent arguments. I’m the mean time take a look at what immigrants, like me, have been and co tinge to be able to do for our country: THE USA
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@RepLoudermilk @ajc … but NOW there is a REAL choice. I'm proud to be an immigrant who came to this country looking for freedom & a better life. Now, I'm running for Congress to make sure that other immigrants are afforded an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream. #votedaza2022
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@RepLoudermilk … but NOW there is a REAL choice. I'm proud to be an immigrant who came to this country looking for freedom & a better life. Now, I'm running for Congress to make sure that other immigrants are afforded an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream. #votedaza2022
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@RepLoudermilk … but NOW there is a REAL choice. I'm proud to be an immigrant who came to this country looking for freedom & a better life. Now, I'm running for Congress to make sure that other immigrants are afforded an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream. #votedaza2022
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
I'm proud to be an immigrant who came to this country looking for freedom & a better life. Now, I'm running for Congress to make sure that other immigrants are afforded an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream. #votedaza2022
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
I'm proud to be an immigrant who came to this country looking for freedom and a better life. Now, I'm running for Congress to make sure that other immigrants are afforded an equal opportunity to pursue the American Dream. #votedaza2022
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@ABC please stop making these people look as someone who we should be proud. These millionaires should be ashamed of them selves and the media should not support their behaviors just to earn profits. It’s Christopher Columbus’s 1492 voyage chapter repeating again
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
RT @ajc: Buried in the secondary categories for the Emmy nominations was a name that is normally in headlines about politics…
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
What're you going to do now? Yes you, the person reading this tweet. Are you going to scroll passed by it & say nothing? Turn your head the other way & not see what's happening? ...Is there anyone out there listening? ☹️Sorry y'all; I am really mad & frustrated right now @AOC QT @AntonioDaza: Are you convinced now about what I'm talking about? They will be coming for us if don't do something NOW. I hope ti…
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
RT @nowthisnews: Heart? Melted.
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
RT @BrittanyEdney: (Warning: offensive language) A #RockdaleCounty resident discovered their house (& several vehicles in the driveway…
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
RT @MariaCorinaYA: Décadas de opresión y terror. De traiciones y complicidades, de adentro y de afuera. Pero el anhelo de LIBERTAD irr…
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@AlinaJancew @Mmorin_informa O que me lanzara al congreso de los EEUU para poder contribuir a la construcción de un mundo mejor para todos por igual y sin discriminaciones de raza, clase y género, credo, orientación sexual, cultura, país de procedencia, etc.? YA LO ESTOY HACIENDO Prima. Te quiero mucho
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@AlinaJancew @Mmorin_informa Que más esperabas de mi? Que volteara la cara a las cosas que me afectan simplemente porque somos familia?
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@AlinaJancew @Mmorin_informa Tampoco pretendo que entiendas por qué ese tipo de tweets y comentarios, que he escuchado toda mi vida, me duelen cuando vienen de personas a quien respeto, admiro, y quiero. Aquí es cuando entra en juego la empatía.
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@AlinaJancew @Mmorin_informa Y si. Las generalizaciones son siempre malas y eso es lo que el tweet que re publicaste pretendía. Aquí hay una lección para aprender y ya….
VoteDaza2022 (D-Ga.)
@AlinaJancew @Mmorin_informa Obvio que a nadie le gusta que le llamen la atención. Y tal vez la rabia que sientes en este momento y que proyectas hacia mi, es realmente hacia ti misma porque sabes que pudiese haber hecho una aclaratoria más específica para evitar malos entendidos. Yo igual Te quiero mucho