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Deleted Tweets From Randy Weber, R-Texas

Deleted Tweets From Randy Weber, R-Texas

Randy Weber's accounts: WeberforTexas, TXRandy14

Tracking Since: September 26, 2011

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RT @RyanCostello: No. The real issue is people’s emotion increasingly fuel the desire for certain immediate action being required based on… QT @dajerseyboy: @JoeNBC The Republicans are making the argument that it sets a bad precedent to allow the majority to strip commit… https://t.co/3Sbvf0kDpU)

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RT @RyanCostello: Bank on it. Conservative media & certain members will demand it & it will be easy vote for Republicans. This is where Con… QT @AlexNBCNews: McCarthy says that if the majority stripping committee assignments from minority is new standard, he looks forward… https://t.co/tvOL2JMxoO)

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On floor of House: “This is about whether it is ok for someone to swear in on a Bible a book of religion that they don’t practice...” Ilhan Omar - so much for freedom of religion. Now the crazy D’s want to judge if one “practices” a religion! Shameful-Scary GOD save our Republic

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RT @JackPosobiec: Has any elected Republican spoken out about the illegal and outrageous 'vetting' of National Guard for conservative… https://t.co/yoKo18TzZ9

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I don’t know what on earth @SpeakerPelosi is thinking but after last week’s attack, it is evident that Congress should have the right to protect themselves and their colleagues on the house floor. https://t.co/bpm3fGaDIW

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@colinleath @jesusisnotwhite @jsrailton @lehudgins Not in a million years would I be a part of that. I saw a woman and her husband exiting the Capitol. I asked her if she was inside. When she replied yes, I asked her for her footage. I have my video, with me in it, from the west lawn time stamped at the same time of that video.

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RT @HouseGOP: It’s unconstitutional for the House to conduct business without a quorum. Democrats’ had to rely on proxy votes from members… QT @RepCloakroom: The Biggs (R-AZ) Motion to Adjourn was rejected 5 Yeas, 220 Nays)

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Speaker Pelosi & the D’s “Socialistic Bent toward “No-Law” & “Disorder” are you blame for “emergency.” What did Rahm Emanuel day? Never waste a good “emergency?” He forgot to add: especially those fabricated by Liberals who want to discredit the most successful Pres in US history QT @GOPLeader: Speaker Pelosi announced she is bringing Congress back for an “emergency” weekend session to deal with a so-called… https://t.co/7BDxkXHhfT)

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Governor Huckaby said on Fox that Kampala Harris characterized Joe Biden during primary as “worthless as a bucket under a bull.”Hmm: don’t know which should be more insulted for being compared to Biden: the bucket? Or the bull? Wonder what was in that bucket? #BucketBiden

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RT @mikethelawyerdc: Dear liberals, Under 5 U.S.C. § 2302(b)(8)-(9): - The "whistleblower" is not a whistleblower under WPA. - Anony… https://t.co/OAWjDw6aNI

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RT @mikethelawyerdc: @RepAdamSchiff, I made you a flow chart in case you get lost in your web of lies, hypocrisy, and utter bullshit.… https://t.co/CmUjvXSfQP

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Great experience watching U.S. astronauts return safely from @Space_Station this past weekend. Years of hard work got us here. I’m proud to say Amerixa is back, leading the way, once again launching U.S. astronauts on U.S. rockets. Welcome home @AstroBehnken @Astro_Doug! https://t.co/a8rjH9NWhF

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RT @Yoder_Esq: Over 150,000 veterans have filed lawsuits against 3M Company after a $9.1 million lawsuit was settled with the U.S.… https://t.co/sjUmBCsQyX

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ALERT MISSING: @SpeakerPelosi @LeaderHoyer From: CA-12 From: MD-5 DOB: 03/26/40 DOB: 6/14/39 Hair: Brown Hair: Gray https://t.co/QK6Tx3N1U8

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RT @ScottGottliebMD: THREAD: We're launching a new tool today to provide county-level insight into COVID infection risk, as assessed by… https://t.co/avpTkN6xAf

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And a very happy 30th to @NASAHubble QT @NASAHubble: The Hubble Space Telescope has given us a new image of a nursery for stars in a nearby galaxy to the Milky Way. ✨… https://t.co/bFyBpIc71V)

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RT @JimBridenstine: .@NASA honors the historic mission of John Glenn who 58 years ago today boarded Friendship 7 and became the first A… https://t.co/2ZAD7iTRH7

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RT @TXRandy14: Yessir Mr. President. This is the #Artemis generation. Boots on the Moon by 2024. Let’s bring it home. QT @NBCNews: President Trump reasserts Mars ambitions during #SOTU address, calling for use of NASA's Artemis program "as a laun… https://t.co/qFRTD4NKBY)

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The story of Kayla Mueller's life should be a reminder to all of us that terrorism met with the full force of every civilized nation! Thank you Task Force 8-14! #SOTU

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And the truth is, the burden of proof lies with the Democrats and they failed to prove their case. 1/3 QT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: You're guilty unless you prove your innocence.... This is the challenge that House Democrats have leveled on… https://t.co/sNntiEuxAX)

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This narrative about no witnesses is simply false. There was 17 witness testimonies entered into the record. The House had every opportunity to pursued lawsuits to compel witness and document subpoenas - but didn't. 2/3

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Finally, there was no obstruction. The President retains executive privilege. Again, if House leadership was concerned with obtaining subpoenaed documents they had the opportunity to take their case to the courts. This was never about the truth, only smearing @realDonaldTrump 3/3

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So why don’t they recuse themselves ? How often do u see a jury with someone on it that obviously possibly benefits from the outcome? NOT! #SchiffSchumerShamShutUp! @WeberforTexas @realDonaldTrump

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And how many times do you see a “jury” in a regular trial tell the prosecution we need to go out and get more witnesses. And BTW you’ve got members running for president on that “jury” that have a distinct interest in the outcome of this.

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Tweet Adam Schiff says a trial without witnesses is no trial at all. And that’s because when they prosecuted their “case” in the House - they gave the Republicans a chance to call witnesses? O right - NOT! And now he wants “the jury” to call more witnesses?

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Another great endorsement! Conservative Republicans watching out for & helping our great District! Our people, our staff deserve this endorsement! Our District with all its attributes is catching National Attention! Thank you Texans For Fiscal Responsibility! #Weber2020

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Another great endorsement! Conservative Republicans watching out for & helping our great District! Our people, our staff deserve this endorsement! Our District with all its attributes is catching National Attention! Thank you Texans For Fiscal Responsibility! #Weber2020 QT @EmpowerTexans: Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has announced its endorsement of U.S. Rep. Randy Weber (@TXRandy14) of Friendswood… https://t.co/Hdt0a771ia)

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RT @astros: Stronger as one. Thank you again to all 10,000 fans who made #AstrosFanFest the perfect end to the week. https://t.co/aLTNOgd0xg

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Thank you President Trump! We have the greatest economy-he’s made the greatest trade deals. Nancy Pelosi held it up for over a year. And now she tells Senate that they need to pass USMCA quickly? & all this while they’re trying to impeach our president. Sick! @realDonaldTrump QT @realDonaldTrump: One of the greatest trade deals ever made! Also good for China and our long term relationship. 250 Billion Dollars… https://t.co/sbp9ND0A2l)

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@SpeakerPelosi - Closely monitoring situation following bombings targeting U.S. troops in Iraq. We must ensure the safety of our servicemembers, including ending needless provocations from Iran & demanding Iran cease its violence. America cannot be weak; the world can’t afford it

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As we celebrate the Christmas with our family and friends, let us not forget the reason for the season. Keep Jesus Christ in your heart today. Merry Christmas from my family to yours! https://t.co/VsKhrOWlJs

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RT @BoeingSpace: We're getting all decked out for our Dec. 20 holiday season flight to @Space_Station. This splash of color represen… https://t.co/3T0tbhMsA0

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RT @TXRandy14: Well said. I hope Americans are paying attention & any future law students avoid her class like the plague. Perhaps when he… QT @SaraCarterDC: It’s disgusting how much hate she has in her heart for @POTUS - the worst witness because her bias is so obvious sh… https://t.co/5UncoyPsiD)

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RT @ENERGY: “Thanks to his [@SecretaryPerry] leadership, the United States is now the largest energy producer in the world with… https://t.co/4Gtv5ETllx

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Please join me tonight at 6:30pm CST/7:30pm EST for a live Telephone Town Hall! Participant Phone Number: 877-229-8493 ID Code: 111533 (Press *3 to ask a question)

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RT @parscale: What is Adam Schiff’s favorite part of orchestrating this impeachment sham? Posing for the cameras, of course.… https://t.co/diDvctZsz9

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RT @NASAhistory: At 11:22 am (EST), on November 14th, 1969, 50 years ago at this very moment, #Apollo12 launched on the "Pinpoint fo… https://t.co/HIJ5WxIrdz

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https://t.co/lcWHg8ICe4 QT @TXRandy14: Excited to hear @SpaceX is conducting a static fire test of Crew Dragon’s abort thrusters today. @elonmuskhttps://t.co/6T39KL8jB6)

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