Deleted Tweets From Tom Winter, D-Mont.
Tom Winter's accounts: WinterForMT
Tracked Between: January 08, 2019-November 22, 2022
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @meags1010: @RepMattGaetz This photo *REALLY* didn’t age well. #MattGaetzIsATool
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @tedlieu: Dear @realDonaldTrump: Here’s the problem with what you are saying. People with mild or moderate symptoms can infect others, w… QT @Politidope: Here is the President of the United States telling the country it's okay to go to work with Coronavirus. I'm not k…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
@ezraklein The word you’re looking for is gerontocracy.
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
So the only people that will be protected from the coronavirus will be the rich. Have we reached peak dystopia yet? #HealthcareForAll
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @kemc: I love that there’s serious discussion of forgiving college debt. Now let’s start talking about medical debt, which…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @tonyheyl: @bessette4mt @WinterForMT @RepJayapal If he's up for it, I'd love to talk on the podcast!
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
Roses are red I’m shirtless in the NY Post This is all fun Next time I see my mom I’m toast QT @mariahgladstone: Consider this an endorsement for @WinterForMT: the most progressive candidate in the race AND has the best sense of…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @JakeVK: @jonfavs People like this deserve to lose their seats. When political survival and keeping your temp job trumps* ha…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @jonathantasini: Progressive populist, @WinterForMT, joins me to talk about his race to win the congressional seat in Montana—it’s a…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @PeteSouza: I am not upset that @SpeakerPelosi ripped up a speech with a bunch of lies. I AM upset that the Red Sox traded @mookiebetts
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @shanemorigeau: @god please help. We need you to talk to Rodney Garcia in Montana and tell him to please resign. @billingsgazette #mtnews #mtpol
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @mariahgladstone: Apparently his domestic violence was fine but this is too far. Hey, at least there is a line, just bummed it took a de… QT @billingsgazette: The Montana House of Representatives has called for Billings' Rodney Garcia to resign his seat, calling his remarks…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
@thetrillbillies Poor neighbor
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @JessicaKarjala: What pages do at the #mtleg #dabbin
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
@GregForMontana has enriched himself at the expense of the working Montana taxpayer. He fights for the wealthy instead of working families. We must root out the corporate takeover of our government. This is corruption plain and simple. #mtpol #mtal
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
RT @LuxAlptraum: Are journalists people? Should they have rights? Can we force journalists to fight each other to the death for mass amusem… QT @kellymcb: Should journalists vote in primaries? Go.)
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
This is what we mean when we talk about a broken system that puts people over profits. #HealthcareForAll QT @QasimRashid: He’s a 2X bronze star winner, served 40 yrs, suffered Agent Orange exposure & double amputation—but his prosthetic…
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
Yet another poll conducted by the establishment political class that has failed us for generations. Help us fight back:
WinterForMT (D-Mont.)
Yet another poll conducted by the establishment political class that has failed us for generations. Help us fight back: