Deleted Tweets From Sema Hernandez, D-Texas
Sema Hernandez's accounts: _SemaHernandez_
Tracked Between: February 27, 2018-March 10, 2020
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @robdelaney: May I ask you to watch this short video I made about the NHS?
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @TrayBridgewater: And then, once you make it into office, our legislature is part-time and pays peanuts. The lege is only in session…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @TrayBridgewater: For example: in Texas, there's no system that allows working-class candidates to receive any kind of salary. For FE…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
@SpittingBack @AOC Good for her.
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @LeeCamp: Don't let the media talk you out of rebelling against a system that is driving us to extinction! That's their job & they do it well.
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @b_mad_: Just donated another $27 to our movement. Let’s raise another $1,000 in the next 24 hours! In the 2018 primary we…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
@AdrianMCrawford I'm not doing to bad. I'm over 50%.
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
@UTTyler is really fucking with the polls. QT @PatrickSvitek: As has been noted... this survey didn't name half the #txsen primary field, including @_SemaHernandez_, who got 6%…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @jdallsep: Austerity doesn’t work and impoverishes the less fortunate in society. These people are making second-class citizens out of… QT @_SemaHernandez_: I do not support any Bipartisan Austerity Act like these Democrats do to fall in line with the fuckery of Wall Stre…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @50linesonly: @_SemaHernandez_ Bipartisan Austerity for All
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
@peterdaou Pandering to the right is how we lost to Ted Cruz.
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @Sema4Texas: I'm #TooFarLeft because I believe in representing the people instead of capitulating to the patriarchal system of o…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @_SemaHernandez_: @NomikiKonst As for me and our grassroots campaign, I refuse to accept money from corporate PAC's, bundlers,…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
You're bitch ass has done a lot of sucking up to Trump, that sums up your entire political career. QT @tedcruz: “Suck it up and watch.” Sums up the Dems/MSM approach to their political show trial.
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @scapelliti: Warren claims she wants "to be able to debate them on the floor of the Senate". She hasn't debated them during her 6 year… QT @Sema4Texas: Sen. Warren votes repeatedly for bloated military budgets that are used to kill innocent people and increase global…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @Sema4Texas: Sen. Warren votes repeatedly for bloated military budgets that are used to kill innocent people and increase global…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
Constitutional #ImpeachmentHearings begin today. Sen. John Cornyn has made it clear he doesn't care about the constitution seriously. As U.S. Senator I will do the job I was elected to do, including due diligence in accordance with the constitution:
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @evoespueblo: Denuncio ante el mundo y pueblo boliviano que un oficial de la policía anunció públicamente que tiene instrucción d…
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
RT @Sema4Texas: We must end the proliferation of the war economy to be a champion of peace, truth, equity, equality, and justice.
_SemaHernandez_ (D-Texas)
@BernieSanders @mrdannyglover It's a coup backed by the our government.