Deleted Tweets From Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.
Andy Biggs's accounts: andybiggs4az, RepAndyBiggsAZ
Tracking Since: November 09, 2016
RT @JesseKellyDC: I’ll believe you care about hospitals being overwhelmed when you care about the border being overwhelmed. And not a second before.
RT @kayleighmcenany: An obvious question for Jen Psaki ⬇️ You called the evacuation out of Afghanistan “anything but a success,” do yo…
An absolute tragedy. Praying for the families and loved ones of the four U.S. Marines who were killed in Kabul. Our hearts go out to you.
RT @newsmax: .@RepAndyBiggsAZ: "[Biden's] got a whole body of work, now over 8 months, that shows that this guy is incompetent t…
There should be no remorse for cop killers. Disgusting.
RT @AbbyJohnson: Laura Morris is a hero. ❤️ QT @realchrisrufo: Heartbreaking: a Loudoun County public school teacher resigns on the spot in response to the district's critical ra…
RT @CongressmanHice: How in the world did that $1.2 trillion bill pass in the Senate 69 to 30? Two words. RINO Republicans!!!
@RepRosendale @RepMTG @RepGosar @RepMattGaetz @RepBobGood @RepBoebert @replouiegohmert @RepScottPerry @CongressmanHice @RepRalphNorman @RepMaryMiller QT @RepAndyBiggsAZ: I just filed articles of impeachment against Secretary Mayorkas. His impeachment is well overdue and critical for…
RT @JesseKellyDC: It’s easier to understand the “mistakes” at the FBI when you accept the organization is run by people who think any…
RT @greg_price11: I guess we now know why Bowser waited until Saturday to implement her mask mandate
TUNE IN: Going live on @foxandfriends at 6:20amET to discuss Pelosi’s tyrannical mask mandates and other agendas being pushed by the Far Left.
RT @nypost: Today's cover: Severe COVID-19 breakthrough infections extremely low among vaccinated, data shows…
RT @SebGorka: President Trump forces cackling #Kamala to the border. And @ColbertLateShow steals my Biden joke. Guests:…
RT @SebGorka: .@RepAndyBiggsAZ joins me NEXT on the @SalemMediaGrp Radio Network WATCH LIVE:
Good luck to the Arizonans representing the USA in the Olympic Games. We know you will make our country proud!
RT @charliekirk11: If a gathering of fully-vaccinated people can still turn into a "super-spreader event," then clearly there's no "pu…
RT @justin_hart: So the CDC just reported that 70% of those who came down with #COvId19 symptoms had been wearing a mask. We know th…
We need more leaders like him. QT @nypost: 'Not backed by science': LA County sheriff slams new mask mandate