Deleted Tweets From Billy Long, R-Mo.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: I thought liberals said this simply never happens?
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Good to know that most of America is finally hearing about the Biden crime family.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Something is happening. I’m here in Florida and it’s obvious to anyone with their eyes open. It’s everywhere. It’s…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: ANTIFA is a fascist terror-group that uses violence and murder to advance fascism and tyranny in the US. They also…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: NOT BREAKING NEWS: Jim Comey is human sleaze. QT @tomselliott: .@Comey says the FBI director bears no responsibility to determine whether allegations are true before pursuing FIS…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Christopher Wray MUST be fired. He’s a total disaster who hates transparency and accountability. Fire him yesterday.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: It’s Friday, October 9th 2020, and Barack Obama was the most corrupt President in US history. #Obamagate
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: What have I been telling you for years now? The truth is going to come out eventually.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: What are the chances Biden calls a “lid” halfway through the debate tonight? #AskingForAFriend
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: I’m still waiting on Joe Biden to denounce white supremacy. It’s unconscionable that he doesn’t. He is ON THE RECOR…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: I almost can't believe how damaging this Tucker interview is for Joe Biden. You HAVE to hear this voicemail �
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Nobody plays dumb better than Jim Comey. No one. Watch ����
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Stunning this was said on CNN. Stunning, even for CNN and the libs. QT @DailyCaller: Sen. Chris Murphy: "If President Trump can't be out there on the campaign trail for the next two weeks, then he's…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Second Debate Moderator Shared “Never Trump” Article
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: What the hell is this QT @DailyCaller: Joe Biden: "You'll know my opinion on court packing when the election is over."
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: TOMORROW, we can finally end the Biden Crime family’s 47yr record of abuse of power & selling out America. The Bide…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Joe Biden MUST denounce white supremacy today! This is inexcusable. Either he denounces white supremacy today or he’s clearly… QT @TrumpWarRoom: Joe Biden delivered a eulogy for former KKK "Exalted Cyclops" leader Robert Byrd. Biden called the segregationist…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: This 60 Minutes atrocity is precisely why Americans have written off “journalists.” They assaulted Trump with absol…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: FINALLY, a 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court. No, that’s not a typo. Thanks.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: It’s a shame that liberals vote in liberal politicians,in liberal states,which then descend into chaos because of l…