Deleted Tweets From Billy Long, R-Mo.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: REPORT: AOC SCREAMED at Border Agents in "Threatening Manner"
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Imagine being such a miserable organism, living such a putrid existence, that you feel the need to crap on the President, and… QT @RepAdamSchiff: In Washington, DC, Trump celebrated Swamp Day by: 1.) Making July 4th an ode to himself; 2.) Diverting $2.5 milli…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Why CNN finishes third, in a three-way race, daily. QT @CurtisHouck: Video: @CNNSitRoom returns from commercial break during Trump's #ASaluteToAmerica speech skipping parts on the Air…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: No single figure has contributed more to the election of Donald Trump than Colin Kaepernick. He should be marked down for an in-kind political donation for all of the work he’s done for the Trump campaign.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Don’t ever forget that the self-celebratory media got the two biggest stories of our time WRONG. They told us collu…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: An Emotional Ed Henry Announces on Fox & Friends He is Donating Part of His Liver to His Sister.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: AG Barr: Trump Admin Can Legally Add Citizenship Question to 2020 Census
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Omar Admits to Embellishing Story of "Injustice" She Told to High School Students
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Of course none of this is actually true. The lies and the misdirections are endless. It’s deeply troubling.… QT @IlhanMN: Fox News is now giving a nightly platform to white supremacist rhetoric. It’s dangerous. Advertisers should not be…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Nadler should resign in disgrace. And he should take Schiff, Swalwell, and their tin foil caps with them. America h…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Sleazy, spineless, Adam Schifty Schiff is absolutely panicking over the soon to be released IG report. It’s glorious to watch this sleazy swamp-rat melt down completely now that he knows he can’t hide his lies and gaslighting anymore.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: It must be really awesome to be a Democrat on the Hill. You get to scream in front of the cameras, and the compliant media, about problems YOU created while simultaneously proposing zero solutions to fix said problems. What an incredible life.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Awfully ironic that AOC’s actual rhetoric was used by an ANTIFA terrorist in his pre-attack manifesto while she criticizes others for their rhetoric. Yes, she really is this clueless.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Dear Liberal Twitter, You do understand that ONLY 1 presidential campaign took assistance from Russians in the 2016…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Trump: Report on Iran Capturing CIA Spies "Totally False"
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: The most important question for Mueller tomorrow: “If you were serious about investigating Russian interference in our election then why did you omit from your report Steele’s use of Russian disinformation specialists Trubnikov and Surkov as ‘sources’?”
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Thanks Adam, we agree. The Clinton and the Obama teams should be fully investigated for their outrageous use of foreign agent… QT @RepAdamSchiff: Accepting campaign help from a foreign agent is disloyal to our country, unethical, and wrong. We cannot control w…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: History will look back in astonishment at how so many otherwise smart people forfeited their entire professional re…
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: Spineless, character-free, dishonest Joe Biden continues to promote the biggest lie in politics, with the help of a compliant, sycophantic, lap dog media.
auctnr1 (R-Mo.)
RT @dbongino: The terror group ANTIFA (shorthand for anti-First Amendment) specializes in violent attacks on young girls and others who are… QT @MrAndyNgo: A large antifa mob chase & attack a man & a young girl who got separated from the others. No police.…