Deleted Tweets From Austin Intal, D-Calif.
Austin Intal's accounts: austinintal
Tracked Between: January 13, 2020-March 08, 2020
austinintal (D-Calif.)
RT @NBCNews: Philippines notifies the United States it will end a major security pact allowing American forces to train in the country. “America is very rude. They are so rude,” President Duterte said.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
RT @ryanstruyk: Pelosi on Trump budget: "Less than a week after promising to protect families’ health care in his State of the Union address, the President is now brazenly inflicting savage multi-billion-dollar cuts to Medicare and Medicaid."
austinintal (D-Calif.)
California Vote By Mail starts Feb 3-25, 2020! Vote Austin Intal (D) for CA-15 U.S. House of Reps!
austinintal (D-Calif.)
"Rich Flight" is a fallacy. For far too long the working class' labor has been exploited. We are taking the working class revolution to Washington. You should be able to work, live and thrive in this country if you work 40 hours per week.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
It's our time.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Vote Austin Intal (D) CA-15 for U.S. House of Reps!
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Thank you to Scott Morris from California who believes in what we are trying to accomplish and donated to our campaign! Every dollar counts!
austinintal (D-Calif.)
YOUNG & B! 💙
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Polo G
austinintal (D-Calif.)
@BarackObama I like your playlist sir. Add this one champ.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Honored to speak at the Asian American Pacific Islander Democratic Caucus of Alameda County today.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Honored to speak at the Asian American Pacific Islander Democratic Caucus. U.S. House of Representative CA-15 Candidates discussed: priorities, wealth inequality, housing, working class issues and the administration of @realdonaldtrump.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Watched your biography on @netflix @TheNotoriousMMA what a story.
austinintal (D-Calif.)
California Vote By Mail Begins Feb 3-25, 2020! Medicare 4 All 🏥 Free College for All (Cancel Student Debt) 📗 Tax the Rich, Not the Working Class 🌹💰 Environment/Renewable Energy (Housing, Transportation)(Green New Deal) 🌍🌲 Housing is a human right (renter's protections) 🏡
austinintal (D-Calif.)
austinintal (D-Calif.)
A cotillion is a coming of age party for Filipinas similar to a quinceanera. When a Filipina turns 18 years old she is now an adult woman. Watch this video on my Facebook! 🇵🇭🇺🇸
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Vote Austin Intal (D) CA-15 for U.S. House of Representatives! Vote by Mail Feb 3-25, 2020! Official Election Day March 3, 2020! Check your mail!
austinintal (D-Calif.)
We are committed to the preservation of our environment, renewable energy and environmental standards for the benefit of all of us. #GreenNewDeal
austinintal (D-Calif.)
Dedicated to the indomitable spirit of the sled dogs that relayed antitoxin six hundred miles over rough ice, across treacherous waters, through Arctic blizzards from Nenana to the relief of stricken Nome in the Winter of 1925. Endurance · Fidelity · Intelligence
austinintal (D-Calif.)
My brother and Mom on Special Person's Day. #throwback