Deleted Tweets From Kevin Brady, R-Texas
Kevin Brady's accounts: bradyfortexas, RepKevinBrady
Tracked Between: May 26, 2015-July 23, 2022
TEXAS CONTACT TRACING Each state responsible for & operates their tracing program. Here is information & FAQ from @TDEM. More info:
RT @WaysandMeansGOP: TUNE IT ➡ @RepKevinBrady joins @benshapiro on the Ben Shapiro Show to talk about economic recovery and coronavirus…
RT @USDA: Beginning May 26, USDA will be accepting applications from agricultural producers who have suffered losses due to t…
RT @USDA: Beginning May 26, USDA will be accepting applications from agricultural producers who have suffered losses due to t…
Today, I'm joining my friend Chris Salcedo to discuss the Democrats' socialist wish-list bill, how it fails the American worker, and what we should be doing instead to help our nation. Be sure to tune in, 5:15 PM ET on @newsmax!
WORSE THAN THOUGHT New report by @AAF: up to 75% of U.S. workers make MORE on unemployment than previous job due to #CARES. "Flunks any test of economic logic." Good ideas: Return-to-work incentives, phase down or focus on lower-income workers. Worst idea: extend as is. QT @AAF: The $600 federal bonus in the CARES Act was designed to be lucrative enough to be better than working in order to k…
WORSE THAN THOUGHT New report by @AAN: up to 75% of U.S. workers make MORE on unemployment than previous job due to #CARES. "Flunks any test of economic logic." Ideas: Return-to-work incentives, phase down or focus on lower-income workers. Worst idea: extend as is. QT @AAF: The $600 federal bonus in the CARES Act was designed to be lucrative enough to be better than working in order to k…
PPP update: In the second round of funding alone, nearly 2.5 million loans have been approved, and more than $185 billion is going to help businesses and workers. In total, over 4 MILLION small businesses have received support from the #PaycheckProtectionProgram
PPP REACHES HISTORIC MILESTONE Over 2 MILLION small businesses secured #PPPLoans. Nearly $4 billion approved. Ave loan $206,000 - that's Main Street size 30 million U.S. workers helped/jobs intact #StandWithSmallBiz #HouseGOP
MORE $$? While some governors pirating the $150b in direct aid meant for state AND local governments? Ignoring Congress intent. Pocketing federal $$ earmarked for SMALL CITIES/TOWNS/COUNTIES to offset local COVID-19 costs, including police, fire. Shameful. #INVESTIGATE
FACT: Congress has funded over $700 to states & local communities. Direct aid to state/local govt, state unemployment, local hospitals, state/local disaster aid, local schools, state colleges, local mass transit & testing. Plus crucial 6% increase in Medicaid. #GOPCommitted
At 10:30 AM ET, I'll be on @AmericaNewsroom @FoxNews to chat with @edhenry about the latest #COVID-19 relief package. Tune in!
At 10:30 AM ET, I'll be on @AmericaNewsroom @FoxNews to chat with @edhenry about the latest #COVID-19 relief package. Tune in!
The Paycheck Protection Program has official run out of money. Democrats are too concerned with playing politics to work with us to pass more funding. Because of that, small businesses and workers across the country will be left high and dry.
RT @RepKevinBrady: On Monday, I'll be hosting a #COVID-19 Facebook live. Submit your questions below for me to answer!
RT @ReadyHarris: ❗ IMPORTANT UPDATE❗ The Stay Home Work Safe order has been extended and amended. See the order here:…
RT @yatesjoshk: @RepKevinBrady stopped by Huntsville to connect with constituents and talk issues. Full story in @HuntsvilleItem
WORST OF THE WORST @SpeakerPelosi on @CNN: “As the president fiddles, people are dying.” This from “fiddler” who threw tantrum. Delayed Senate #CARES emergency aid 3 long days - blocking crucial $$ for hospitals, families & local businesses. #PelosiPlaysPoliticsWithCV19
RT @RepKevinBrady: Congress pulled together quickly and forcefully to deliver for America. This is a proud moment for us all, and an…