Deleted Tweets From Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii
Brian Schatz's accounts: brianschatz, SenBrianSchatz
Tracking Since: January 04, 2013
RT @travishelwig: if you work on the joe biden staff, and someone you work with is currently planning a video where multiple celebrit…
RT @mattyglesias: Zero! QT @brianschatz: How many republicans voted for the child tax credit that is hitting millions of bank accounts this month?)
RT @Yair_Rosenberg: Anti-Semitism predates the modern left and right. It infected everyone from Hitler to Stalin. No community or ideology… QT @InsureMeFlorida: It's all coming from the left now as it always did, when you realize Nazism is socialism and also of the left.
RT @fingerbIaster: I'm really sorry I caught the ocean on fire by forgetting my reusable grocery bags that one time
RT @RottenInDenmark: This excerpt from Anne Applebaum's "Red Famine" is basically America's urban housing policy in a nutshell.
RT @matthewjdowd: The White House and republicans keep saying impeachment will hurt the democrats. There is no evidence of this and i…
RT @matthewjdowd: One can believe two things simultaneously: the Chinese government was irresponsible in how they managed/communicate…
RT @matthewjdowd: Even if you hold all levers of DC power, it is very hard for an unpopular President to get an unpopular Congress to pass an unpopular policy
RT @natemcdermott: Be weary of “Soleimani was bad, he had it coming, if you disagree you must support his actions” analysis. Saddam H…
I’ve never seen this before. “I will only vote for this bill, which I like, if you promise to oppose a bill which isn’t written yet.” QT @BryanLowry3: .@JerryMoran supports $1 trillion infrastructure framework rolled out by Biden & a bipartisan group of lawmakers to…
RT @Yair_Rosenberg: In less than 90 seconds, Senator @BrianSchatz manages to say more about what it takes to defeat anti-Semitism today…
RT @Yair_Rosenberg: @brianschatz “It’s easy for us to look at another country or another political party and say: ‘Enough! Do better!’ It i… QT @Yair_Rosenberg: In less than 90 seconds, Senator @BrianSchatz manages to say more about what it takes to defeat anti-Semitism today…
RT @ArielCohen37: The CDC advisory committee’s proposed phases for Covid-19 vaccination. #ACIP
RT @ElectionMapsCo: Looks like the election night returns from Pennsylvania will be pretty Republican because many places count in-person v… QT @NateSilver538: When can you expect election results in each state? And which types of ballots will be counted first? You're goin…
RT @qjurecic: he wrote this IN JANUARY 2019! QT @brianschatz: “Assume Putin decides to retake Alaska, the way he retook Crimea. Assume further that a president allows him to do…
Hahahahhahahhahahahhahaaahhahahaaa QT @D1C0MM: sometimes it nice to remind yourself of the monumental horror green energy is capable of manifesting
CEO’s write a letter asking for climate action while funding Mitch McConnell’s superpac would be funny if the planet weren’t on fire. QT @SenWhitehouse: I will take these publicity stunts more seriously when they switch on their hugely powerful political apparatus to…
RT @JamesFallows: Two Qs we will wait for historians to explain: -Why no senior Repub thought it was in career /legacy / reputationa…