Deleted Tweets From Chaka Fattah, D-Pa.
Chaka Fattah's accounts: chakafattah, Fattah4Congress
Tracked Between: November 17, 2011-January 03, 2017
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
50 & 100 years from now the History of Pres Obama & fellow D's successful fight for ACA will be titled "Yes We Can".
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @GEARUPToday: Is your school getting GEARed UP for Operation Preparation next month? Let us know how! @KyDeptofEd @kycommissioner
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @TerryMEvans: CNN made bad decision with losing Soledad Obrien via @pagesix
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @USRepRHinojosa: My good friend and colleague Congressman Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania and I just filed a bill that will improve...
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
Lawmakers propose giving federal judges role in drone strikes
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
http:/ / Working with like minded pun intended Goverments on Neuroscience Initiative.News to follow.Stay tune in new year.
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
http:/ / Working with like minded(pun intended)Goverments on Neuroscience Initiative.
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
http://flic./p/dyw9AZ Building on the Fattah Neuroscience Initiative with like minded ( pun intended ) Governments.News to come in new year
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
Attacking President ,not enough Fox/GOP now attacking Pentagon & CIA Politics tough business but harming moral dangerous while U S at war.
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
I'm sure GOP/FOX willing trash Mitt Romney with in minutes of this election coming to a end on Nov 6.They are blame him for the loss.
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @neuroegypt: New Horizons in Neuroscience is out! ▸ Top stories today via @nicholasjbaum @jacquesr @alex_phayes @chakafattah
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
America cannot lead the world or compete successfully against are economic challengers on the cheap.America didn't get to be #1 on the cheap
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @NBCNews: Stocks close Friday near fresh four-year high
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
"As we look ahead ....,leaders will be those who empower others. Bill Gates
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @kellygrade6: @chakafattah Exactly!!!!! Birth record v Business record, which is more personal!?!?
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
RT @chris_stover: Just paid less than $60 for 22 gallons of gas. I don't think that's happened since 2005.
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
Fox News Sunday's Panel which was confident that Obama would loss in 08.Now is certain that Obama is certainly losing in 2010.Fair & balance
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
Tom Coburn Vows to Block Flood Insurance Bill : Roll Call News via @sharethis Difference between Flood & Health Ins ?
chakafattah (D-Pa.)
Tom Coburn Vows to Block Flood Insurance Bill : Roll Call News via @sharethis Flood Insurance,Health Insurance,mandate