Deleted Tweets From Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y.
Claudia Tenney's accounts: claudiatenney, RepTenney
Tracking Since: April 06, 2016
RT @GovMikeHuckabee: Doctor for @realDonaldTrump said trip to Walter Reed a routine checkup & he didn’t have chest pains or other issues…
RT @AIIAmericanGirI: Greg Gutfeld: This isn't an impeachment hearing, it's a human resources meeting @FoxNews #AAG #AAG2020
RT @seanmdav: JORDAN: Why didn't you go directly to your superior with your concerns? VINDMAN: It was a really busy week. Also t…
RT @willchamberlain: I hired President Trump to fire people like Alexander Vindman
It’s becoming clearer each day that these #ImpeachmentHearings are nothing but a waste of time and taxpayer dollars. House Democrats aren’t searching for the truth— they’re trying to win the 2020 election! Where is @AnthonyBrindisi on this process he has supported?
RT @gatewaypundit: HORRIBLE! Never-Trumper Chris Wallace Lies about Tim Morrison's Testimony on FOX News Sunday (VIDEO)…
RT @RetiredOrrin: Flashback to *Inauguration Day* “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun. At the moment the new commande…
RT @PolitiBunny: FDR put Japanese Americans in internment camps. QT @BernieSanders: “It’s time that we become the party of FDR again. It’s time for us to become the party of the Civil Rights Act aga…
RT @realDonaldTrump: Big day in LOUISIANA tomorrow! Get out and VOTE to replace Radical Liberal Democrat John Bel Edwards with a great n…
RT @realDonaldTrump: “That hearing was about a policy dispute.” Robert Ray. “Regular people watching this cannot conclude that the Presi…
@EvanStavisky Circa 1970’s Curlibg Stone and Broom. #miracurlonice
@CinderellaMan2 @GOPLeader @GOPChairwoman @GOP @senatemajldr And @ABrindisiNY who sits in the biggest Trump district held by a freshman left in Democrat.
RT @realDonaldTrump: Vote for Sean Spicer on Dancing with the Stars. He is a great and very loyal guy who is working very hard. He is in th… QT @seanspicer: The quarterfinals of @DancingABC begin at 8pm ET. Thanks for getting me here - need all of your 20 votes tonight b…
Happy 244th birthday to the @USMC. My son Trey is a 1st Lieutenant in the Marine Corps, I am so proud and thankful for those who answer the call to serve, including my son. Thank you to all the brave Marines who serve to keep our country safe.
RT @justkarl: Lynch is today trying to create the appearance of propriety, when actual propriety usually requires avoiding the appearance of impropriety.
RT @TonyKornrumpf: Well, well, well...what do we have here? The fake whistleblower pictured with the Hussein Administration. Nothing to se… QT @GregNorberg: Picture of Obama’s staff welcoming President Trump on his 1st day at the White House... and here’s the Whistle-Blow…
RT @ShannonBream: When asked about whether he supports confiscating "assault weapons" from law-abiding gun owners in VA, GovNortham r…
RT @claudiatenney: Catch me with @MariaBartiromo on @MorningsMaria tomorrow at 7:20 AM. Will you be watching?
Catch me with @MariaBartiromo on @MorningsMaria tomorrow at 7:20 AM. Will you be watching?