Deleted Tweets From , D-Calif.
's accounts: davidkim2020
Tracked Between: May 19, 2019-November 07, 2020
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@OGinsley Thank you 🙋🏻♂️♥️
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Ty🙏 QT @FromLoveWonder: )
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
See you and meet you all this Saturday :) #FreedomDividend QT @davidkim2020: )
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@MATHandHumanity @AndrewYang Haha ty!
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
#YesWeKim #UniversalBasicIncome #eradicatepoverty QT @yangsteve: @jiahkim @AndrewYang Korean Americans play a key role in promoting Yang’s ideas- yesterday I listened to David Kim’…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
RT @BBoxReality: #YangGang we need folks like this to back our #POTUS. Folks like @Dr_JLJohnson, @davidkim2020, and @JonathanHerzog5. #Yang… QT @Blevins2020: Unfortunately the USA doesn’t have public funding of elections. My top 2 opponents both raised about $700,000 in th…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
A photo to cherish: future President Andrew Yang & Congressman David Kim @AndrewYang @davidkim2020 #YangGang #YesWeKim #CA34 #FreedomDividend #UniversalBasicIncome
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
RT @davidkim2020: See you and meet you all this Saturday :) #FreedomDividend QT @davidkim2020: If you live in or near Los Angeles, & are free this Sat, I would love to see you & meet you at our Volunteer KickOf…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Thank you 🥰🤗 #YesWeKim We are in it to win it #CA34 QT @mordecaidesign: )
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Thank you! Looks like I was a little hot there! #YesWeKim #eradicatepoverty #universalbasicincome #MLK QT @OCyanggang: @davidkim2020 speaks at the #UBIMarch LA.
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@OGinsley Not sure what happened but liking this :)
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@DavidJinSooKim @AndrewYang @IncomeMarch Lol yes great name. Ty
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Los Angeles!! See you on Oct 26th! Can't wait to speak and meet you all! :) #FreedomDividend #UniversalBasicIncome #YesWeKim #CA34 QT @ETH_Nation: Join us this October 26th at 200 n Grand Avenue (Grand Park) in Downtown LA. We gather at 12 to Rally w/ events acr…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
QT @YangJews: @davidkim2020 @AndrewYang Great picture! Let’s get both of them to Washington!!! #JewsForYang #YangGang)
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Thank you @Riopublican
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
RT @MacaulayKong: Los Angeles is the 3rd richest city in the world. This picture was taken in a world where we gave the banks $4 tril…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@BBoxReality @AnbuJr010 @Blevins2020 @JonathanHerzog5 I committed way back when. Waiting :)
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Thank you @coreycottrell!!! Yes, listen to this awesome podcast with Corey and @Riopublican on why we need #UniversalBasicIncome QT @coreycottrell: @davidkim2020 is one of my FAVE interviews! David Kim is running for Congress in full support of Andrew Yang’s Fre…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Yes, ditto President @AndrewYang. That's exactly what I thought today when I left the LA @IncomeMarch today to go canvassing for our congressional campaign here. And America too, .. urgency. There's no better time than now. To eradicate poverty. #MLK #UniversalBasicIncome QT @AndrewYang: This is a special time in my life. I’m going to fight like mad because there may not be this chance again.)