Deleted Tweets From , D-Calif.
's accounts: davidkim2020
Tracked Between: May 19, 2019-November 07, 2020
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
We finally have a video clip of my short speech at the Dia De Los Muertos Celebration in Boyle Heights last month [11/2/19]! :) Thank you Tonie, Dan Munoz, Ivan Alexander Valadez, Rebecca Weiner, Hector Arzate, James Kaelan & residents of #BoyleHeights! ♥️
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
RT @davidkim2020: Thank you @coreycottrell!!! Yes, listen to this awesome podcast with Corey and @Riopublican on why we need #UniversalBasi… QT @coreycottrell: @davidkim2020 is one of my FAVE interviews! David Kim is running for Congress in full support of Andrew Yang’s Fre…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
RT @edwinmchoi: @LACo_DPSS @EveryoneIn_LA @CountyofLA There's nothing more impactful we can do to fight hunger and homelessness than to pas… QT @davidkim2020: Let's vote out a corporately funded Democrat Congressman who pockets money from banks, developers, the oil industry…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Yup I've raced more in individual contributions than the incumbent in my race, an establishment Democrat who has a campaign war chest of $750K+, 98.8% of which are from corporate interests. SMH. Establishment Democrats HAVE GOT TO GO. NOW. QT @cenkuygur: Have you ever seen establishment Democrats fight Republicans as hard as they are fighting me? Because I'm a bigger…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
TY, mbcamerica. Age doesn't matter when we have elected officials like the incumbent, who's raised less in small donor contributions than I have, yet has a campaign war chest of $700K+, 98.8% from corporate…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
RT @SteveilKnevil: @davidkim2020 at the #UBIMarch in LA
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
♥️♥️ QT @PagetKagy: @Heather68590689 We have someone running in my district on UBI!! @davidkim2020 !)
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@AOC's indirect-direct attack on @AndrewYang's #FreedomDividend was misguided/misinformed. If she had a Q&A w/ @AndrewYang, she'd probably retract her statements about UBI ... but I understand as she's endorsing @BernieSanders. Let's not divide but unite the progressives y'all!
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
@AndrewYang I hope u had a great Thanksgiving and were able to rest for a full day ♥️ Would you be able to RT this once for us? QT @davidkim2020: If each of our Twitter followers could contribute $7 towards our campaign right now, we would be able to pay for ad…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Volunteer with us .. this Sunday from 11am to 3pm in Eagle Rock :) ... meet here at 11am: 2218 Colorado Blvd, Los Angeles It's gonna be fun! #UBI #FinancialFreedom #Love #Justice #Medicare4All #FreePublicCollege #Housing #AbolishICE #ReverseClimateChange #MassDecarceration&more
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
And I just really joined the race 2 months ago. I need to raise $13K by Dec 5th (2 weeks), just to add a 250-word statement to the LA County Voter Sample Booklet
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Yes! Such an honor to have you hosting @mskristinawong!!! :) QT @mskristinawong: BOOM! 💥 Hosting my first political fundraiser for David Kim for U.S. Congress - CA's 34th CD - Los Angeles. JOIN…
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Plz retweet: ANNOUNCEMENT JOIN US NOV 20 @ 730P for our DINNER EVENT hosted by @mskristinawong w/ APPEARANCES by @llama_ajol @thisisnive @_nitemrkt @elanese @JustinParkMusic @demthedestroyer @alexluupoetry -see attached flyer-RSVP before spots run out! [RSVP link in flyer]
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Come out to our Campaign Kickoff this Wed, 11/20 @ 730pm! RSVP here: Meanwhile, here's a video from one of our guest artists, @ElaneseOfficial, a powerhouse diva and sweet soul! You may have seen her on @TheFourOnFOX - Season 1!~ We absolutely love her.
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Come out to our Campaign Kickoff this Wed, 11/20 @ 730pm! RSVP here: Meanwhile, here's a video from our Master of Ceremony for the night, the amazing, funny, and wise Performance Artist/Elected Official @mskristinawong!
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Come out to our Campaign Kickoff this Wed, 11/20 @ 730pm! RSVP here: Meanwhile, here's a video from our Master of Ceremony for the night, Performance Artist/Elected Official @mskristinawong!
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
I believe that's me. I came out 1.5 yr ago to my parents and it didnt go great at all. Long story short: Was trapped in my car for 6 hours, and didn't see my parents since then bc it got so toxic. Today: I'll be meeting them on Mon for the 1st time in 1.5 yrs. #Excited #YesWeKim QT @tsuman888: )
davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)
Thank you @joongangilbo @thekoreadaily for the online news/newspaper article! #FreedomDividend #UniversalBasicIncome #YesWeKim #CA34 #LosAngeles