Deleted Tweets From Dean Phillips, D-Minn.
Dean Phillips's accounts: deanbphillips, RepDeanPhillips
Tracking Since: May 05, 2017
RT @Cargill: Today, Cargill’s Michelle Grogg joined @RepDeanPhillips, @USGLC’s @LizSchrayer & ret. Lt. Gen. John Castellaw to di…
Is there unsung #Minnesota hero who made a positive impact on the lives of others that you think more people should hear about? I want to know their story! Tell me more by entering our #MN03 student essay competition. Details here:
My gratitude to @mncorn for visiting @RepAngieCraig and I in Washington today. Our #USMCA agreement is a good deal for Minnesota! QT @NationalCorn: @RepDeanPhillips and @RepAngieCraig support corn and #USMCA. #USMCAnow
RT @mikehowardmn: The high cost of prescription drugs is reeking havoc on the lives of Minnesotans. We heard moving stories that call us to… QT @Morrison4MN: Thanks @RepDeanPhillips for inviting @mikehowardmn and me to a listening session on the high price of Rx drugs. Adv…
@GoldVialProject @ginsberg_sara Sara - thank you so much for sharing you family's story with me.
RT @wccoradio: If you missed @RadioDaveLee's chat with both @RepDeanPhillips and @SenTinaSmith just moments ago, check out the pod…
Led by @BetterAngels, our teams spent the day talking, listening, and building a foundation of respect. I'm grateful to all for leading by example and being partners in the mission to elevate what unites us as Minnesotans and Americans - I hope other offices follow suit. (end)
Local elected leaders and safety officials in #MN03 have been organizing and advocating for safety improvements along Highway 12 for many years. Yesterday, I joined them on the road and in the mission erase its nickname, the "Corridor of Death." Take a look. ⬇️ QT @KSTP: Congressman Phillips pledges help for 'Corridor of Death'
(2/2) I'm so proud to announce that my bipartisan bill, the Prudential Regulator Oversight Act, passed unanimously out of the Financial Services Committee. Teamwork is important, but often flies under the radar. Read more and watch me introduce it here:
RT @RepKClark: TODAY @ 11AM @RepVeasey @RepSlotkin @RepMalinowski @RepColinAllred @RepDeanPhillips and I will talk abt the @HouseDemocrats… QT @RepVeasey: Our foreign adversaries have engaged in a cyber-attack on our democracy & we will not stand idly by as they try it…
I'm proud to stand with these extraordinary Minnesotans as we work to protect survivors of domestic violence and stalking. Every American deserves to be #SafeAtHome. QT @RepDeanPhillips: I'm looking forward to introducing the #SafeAtHomeAct with @BettyMcCollum04 and @MNSteveSimon tomorrow. Tune in at…
@POTUS hosting the G7 “at cost” at his resort is known is called a “loss leader”- a price reduction that induces something much more valuable; tens of millions of dollars worth of media promotion. It’s an emolument and it’s unconstitutional. #truth
Public service takes a significant toll on families and couples. Counseling strengthens relationships and should be promoted, not demeaned. I hope the @NRCC apologizes for mocking the wonderful wife of a member of Congress and my dear friend, @RepCunningham. #familyvalues QT @washingtonpost: NRCC mocks Democratic congressman and wife for going to marriage counseling
RT @MNFarmersUnion: Hey @RepDeanPhillips, you're welcome anytime for a BLT! #mfucoffeeshop #mnstatefair
Thank you for the invitation, @D4Commish. May we all bare witness and be moved to act. I’ll remember my conversation with Conrad, a homeless veteran and @SalvationArmyUS Harbor Lights resident, as we work together to do right by him and so many more. QT @D4Commish: Special thanks to @RepDeanPhillips for touring the salvation army harbor lights center this afternoon. Policy maker…
Thank you for the invitation, @D4Commish. May we all bear witness and be moved to act. I’ll remember my conversation with Conrad, a homeless veteran and @SalvationArmyUS Harbor Lights resident, as we work together to do right by him and so many more. QT @D4Commish: Special thanks to @RepDeanPhillips for touring the salvation army harbor lights center this afternoon. Policy maker…
Thank you for the invitation, @D4Commish. May we all bare witness and be moved to act. I’ll remember my conversation with Conrad, a homeless veteran and @SalvationArmyUS Harbor Lights resident, as we work together to do right by him and so many more. QT @D4Commish: Special thanks to @RepDeanPhillips for touring the salvation army harbor lights center this afternoon. Policy maker…
As a member of the House Financial Services Committee, I wanted to learn more about the value @EximBankUS brings to MN businesses. My gratitude to the team at Metro Hardwoods for hosting me in Maple Grove, and for sharing your insights on @ExinBankUS and thoughtful trade policy.
On my second trip to the border, my colleagues and I saw these moments as human beings, not as politicians. It so affected me that I felt I had a responsibility to provide some leadership on an issue that many said you should be careful about diving into. QT @StarTribune: Minnesotans in Congress get troubling look at what's going on at U.S.-Mexico border, with U.S. Reps. Dean Phillips…