Deleted Tweets From Johnny Teague, R-Texas
Johnny Teague's accounts: for_teague
Tracked Between: July 10, 2020-September 15, 2022
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @BellaDolce8: Bring Back the Glory to America !
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @varepall: Ortiz: Biden’s Disastrous First Year Drives Voters into GOP Arms DEMOCRATS WAKING UP AND BECOMING REPUBLICANS VRA
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @newtgingrich: The freedom to kneel during our national anthem comes from those who provide the sacrifice of their service. The optics of kneeling are all wrong and it's explained in this beautifully worded letter. I urge you to read it.
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @varepall: Exclusive— Ben Carson: Leftists Abuse Children with Masks, COVID-19 Fears, Racial Agitation, Sexual Confusion THAT…
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @swaffarcongress: "England Ends All COVID Passports, Mask Mandates, Work Restrictions::
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @newsmax: Sen. @RandPaul (R-KY) reacts to the Senate Democrats failing to pass the voting legislation. #NationalReport "It w…
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @theNazorean: Beautiful ladies I recommend you follow… @buybuyc @NancyLaporte3 @Jane01Dee @ImDianaPhillip1 @MagaLandslide @BarbaraAnnsley @YHVHdaughter55 @Elizabe07807099 @StephanieRudge1 @SHANYQ1717 @TielleTeaKAG @TinyDan74929460 @TaylorW62351544 @theNazorean @Barbara
for_teague (R-Texas)
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @VicCervantes3: ?Vic’sSpaceFlight? @Death51056660? @VicCervantes3? @vicjoseph10? @DeniseKiesler? @Preside65083346? @Roses4Justice? @JamesEa02677013? @PeterMPicoulas? @ZamrzlaMike? @QPatriotMarine? @Glenn111749? @OrtegLee? @KAlbrent? @daza_kiwi? @CasperKarrin? @QueenB4Q1?
for_teague (R-Texas)
RT @DFBHarvard: ? DANIEL’S LION’S DEN ? ?@Amgirl28 ?@DoingRight1 ?@Donnaledford10 ?@DrG_lovesMAGA ?@DrRodnyCummings ?@dunbdav ?@Dvscott81Scott ?@ec_kag ?@Ecomemory1 ?@EinsteinsMagic ?@Elissa0100 ?@EricJSwensson ?@erinebal29 ?@EtheElephant1 ?@Etmacd72 ?@flowerPotzzz http