Deleted Tweets From Jim Simpson, R-Md.
Jim Simpson's accounts: jamesmsimpson
Tracked Between: February 15, 2020-July 09, 2020
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @drdavidsamadi: #ReOpenAmerica NOW. Enough already. the curves are flattened, number of covid 19 pts are down. Jobs are lost, unemploy… QT @SiriusXMPatriot: On @WilkowMajority #PatriotForum: Reopening America, @drdavidsamadi warns of financial distress for hospitals & can…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @DebbieAAldrich: .@frankgaffney talks with @GatestoneInst @SoerenKern about the immigration crisis w/Covid19 double standard h…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Fantastic QT @realDonaldTrump: A great time to have strong Borders, and we now have the strongest Borders in our history. 182 miles of Border Wall…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @SandraSentinel: Fuhrer Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer seeks retribution against 77 year old barber. The court ruled for barber: So…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @ArlenWms: @johnaconner @diana_west_ @JRNyquist @JamieGlazov Just an unsolicited and undigested bit of beef for one's dreams tonight. @j… QT @ArlenWms: Suppose SOME at the top of the West's #NWO pyramid (#EurAm+Israel+Saud) saw that China aimed to exterminate North A…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @ClareMLopez: Open mouth, eat both feet! QT @jsolomonReports: Watch: Dr. Rick Bright says he was fired because he did not want to expand access to chloroquine | Just The News
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Even a blind pig... QT @CHoltonCSP: For once, an FBI mistake works out well for the good guys...
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@itsJeffTiedrich @realDonaldTrump It's not racist to enforce the rule of law you idiot.
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @Rose45Rose1237: Lobbyists work to conceal the Muslim Brotherhood involvement along with the warcrimes committed by forces loyal to…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @realMaryFanning: Obama Exposed: There Were No FISA Warrants, There Was No Incidental Surveillance, There Was The Hammer — The Persec…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @rayann2320: @realDonaldTrump @SidneyPowell1 #OBAMAGATE Biggest scandals corruption and Treason in history of any president and…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Fantastic! Maybe justice finally!! QT @realDonaldTrump: GREAT!)
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @rayann2320: @realDonaldTrump @SidneyPowell1 So many obama crimes and TREASON subpoena subpoena subpoena . #OBAMAGATE
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @RepMattGaetz: "This is not how we administer criminal law in this don't just crowdsource a prosecution of someone b…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
And Whitner says it is all about politics. QT @PerspicaciousXY: Looks like @GovWhitmer is succeeding in crushing MI economy. I have many friends who are closing their small busin…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
This man is the TRUE danger to America. He has stated publicly his desire to see it destroyed! Soros is one of the major proponents of international Communism. A man who should be in jail for his treasonous activities & efforts to subvert and undermine every aspect of our nation. QT @DudesOnRight: **BREAKING** #Soros admits he will make sure @realDonaldTrump will disappear in 2020 or sooner!!!! Key word he uses…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @jamesmsimpson: This man is the TRUE danger to America. He has stated publicly his desire to see it destroyed! Soros is one of the major… QT @DudesOnRight: **BREAKING** #Soros admits he will make sure @realDonaldTrump will disappear in 2020 or sooner!!!! Key word he uses…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
A true inspiration for mental and physical health. Exactly who you might expect a Democrat to appoint. QT @spazmom55: @carlsbadconser1 @JackPosobiec Jeez, it sucks to live in Pennsylvania
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
He hates America and wants to see it destroyed. QT @lutz_valarie: @RepMattGaetz Under Obama they did exactly that,I knew not to Trust Obama, he dosen't even like America 🙄)