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Deleted Tweets From Jim Simpson, R-Md.

Deleted Tweets From Jim Simpson, R-Md.

Jim Simpson's accounts: jamesmsimpson

Tracked Between: February 15, 2020-July 09, 2020

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @drdavidsamadi: #ReOpenAmerica NOW. Enough already. the curves are flattened, number of covid 19 pts are down. Jobs are lost, unemploy… QT @SiriusXMPatriot: On @WilkowMajority #PatriotForum: Reopening America, @drdavidsamadi warns of financial distress for hospitals & can… https://t.co/KOLlvFvieI)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @DebbieAAldrich: .⁦@frankgaffney⁩ talks with ⁦@GatestoneInst⁩ ⁦@SoerenKern⁩ about the immigration crisis w/Covid19 double standard h… https://t.co/eBkFYreMSt

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Fantastic QT @realDonaldTrump: A great time to have strong Borders, and we now have the strongest Borders in our history. 182 miles of Border Wall… https://t.co/85oeMewjKQ)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @SandraSentinel: Fuhrer Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer seeks retribution against 77 year old barber. The court ruled for barber: So… https://t.co/EG8lv6jkVw

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @ArlenWms: @johnaconner @diana_west_ @JRNyquist @JamieGlazov Just an unsolicited and undigested bit of beef for one's dreams tonight. @j… QT @ArlenWms: Suppose SOME at the top of the West's #NWO pyramid (#EurAm+Israel+Saud) saw that China aimed to exterminate North A… https://t.co/godw4hVzCa)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @ClareMLopez: Open mouth, eat both feet! https://t.co/VbVDUYkq8z QT @jsolomonReports: Watch: Dr. Rick Bright says he was fired because he did not want to expand access to chloroquine | Just The News https://t.co/cC8GUXeWWY)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Even a blind pig... QT @CHoltonCSP: For once, an FBI mistake works out well for the good guys... https://t.co/3uDAOYALoT)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@itsJeffTiedrich @realDonaldTrump It's not racist to enforce the rule of law you idiot.

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @Rose45Rose1237: Lobbyists work to conceal the Muslim Brotherhood involvement along with the warcrimes committed by forces loyal to… https://t.co/GpdGAK1Wh6

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @realMaryFanning: Obama Exposed: There Were No FISA Warrants, There Was No Incidental Surveillance, There Was The Hammer — The Persec… https://t.co/K64pSiavlv

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @rayann2320: @realDonaldTrump @SidneyPowell1 #OBAMAGATE Biggest scandals corruption and Treason in history of any president and… https://t.co/HAkfHvhgGm

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Fantastic! Maybe justice finally!! QT @realDonaldTrump: GREAT!)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @rayann2320: @realDonaldTrump @SidneyPowell1 So many obama crimes and TREASON subpoena subpoena subpoena . #OBAMAGATE https://t.co/QVLX6NdKJQ

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @RepMattGaetz: "This is not how we administer criminal law in this country...you don't just crowdsource a prosecution of someone b… https://t.co/gzf3vUgHy7

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

And Whitner says it is all about politics. QT @PerspicaciousXY: Looks like @GovWhitmer is succeeding in crushing MI economy. I have many friends who are closing their small busin… https://t.co/9vlDdb67IN)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

This man is the TRUE danger to America. He has stated publicly his desire to see it destroyed! Soros is one of the major proponents of international Communism. A man who should be in jail for his treasonous activities & efforts to subvert and undermine every aspect of our nation. QT @DudesOnRight: **BREAKING** #Soros admits he will make sure @realDonaldTrump will disappear in 2020 or sooner!!!! Key word he uses… https://t.co/JgvcsQWftH)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @jamesmsimpson: This man is the TRUE danger to America. He has stated publicly his desire to see it destroyed! Soros is one of the major… QT @DudesOnRight: **BREAKING** #Soros admits he will make sure @realDonaldTrump will disappear in 2020 or sooner!!!! Key word he uses… https://t.co/JgvcsQWftH)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

A true inspiration for mental and physical health. Exactly who you might expect a Democrat to appoint. QT @spazmom55: @carlsbadconser1 @JackPosobiec Jeez, it sucks to live in Pennsylvania https://t.co/zX97ngsOzK)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

He hates America and wants to see it destroyed. QT @lutz_valarie: @RepMattGaetz Under Obama they did exactly that,I knew not to Trust Obama, he dosen't even like America 🙄)

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