Deleted Tweets From Jim Simpson, R-Md.
Jim Simpson's accounts: jamesmsimpson
Tracked Between: February 15, 2020-July 09, 2020
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
They've already targeted religion. QT @RoseRICOANTIFA: According to Karl Marx, religion will be the next target after the abolition of the police. Smash the…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @PattyAngel64: Ocean City Maryland. Blacks lynching white people. Where’s the media on this? Ohhh right! They’re complicit!
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @gayletrotter: Our Second Amendment benefits all law abiding Americans, not just those who choose to own and carry firearms. It's…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Google Bans The Federalist from Generating Ad Revenue after Intervention by NBC News Literally the fake news censoring the real news as "hate speech." This can't be legal? Revoke NBC's FCC license and Google needs to lose its franchise. @realDonaldTrump
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Islamic Militants Slaughter 81 Men, Women, Children in Nigerian Attack This can be blamed on President Obama, who helped Boko Haram-linked Mohammad Buhari win the presidency. Another example of his treason. @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @JessieJaneDuff
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @CHoltonCSP: 3 US Navy aircraft carriers are patrolling the Pacific. And China's not happy - CNN
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Buffalo Police Department: Stand with Buffalo Police Officers Robert McCabe and Aaron Torgalski! - Sign the Petition! @ReneeNal @JessieJaneDuff @ArlenWms
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @ramespaulus: @gayletrotter @jamesmsimpson It's got to be that John Roberts, and to reject these 10 cases itself speaks volumes,…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Sorry to hear this. QT @MassadAyoob: A CHAMPION OF OUR RIGHTS HAS PASSED:
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Helpless 92-year-old woman injured after being ruthlessly knocked to the ground in NYC Does this life matter? BLM Communists are hypocrites and liars. @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @JessieJaneDuff
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Insanity. The Left's utopia. QT @diana_west_: I don't know where we live anymore.)
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@jamesmsimpson No knock warrants are dangerous and unconstitutional. They've increasingly become the preferred weapon of choice for partisan politicians, prosecutors and judges intent on making criminals of political opponents. @dcodrea @realDonaldTrump @c5hardtop1999
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
David Webb - The United States is Not Institutionally Racist This is great from David Webb. @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @JessieJaneDuff @ArlenWms
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
The Left is beyond reproach. They can do anything without consequence. Rules are for the rest of us. THEY are the fascists. QT @charliekirk11: Wow: Nancy Pelosi just said on MSNBC that Trump should “follow the science” and avoid large gatherings like rallie…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
David Webb accused of 'white privilege' by CNN legal analyst As he says "There is no such thing as white privilege." @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @JessieJaneDuff @ArlenWms
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
This is critical information! @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @JessieJaneDuff @ArlenWms QT @GaetaSusan: Please listen to this Officers letter. Truth is not pretty. There is Evil out there. 97 police officers have been k…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @FDRLST: “NBC, the network that coddled Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer by the way, had partnered with a foreign left-wing g…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Google needs to be regulated or shut down. They are destroying news and especially the First Amendment. QT @FDRLST: Senior Editor Chris Bedford charged Google with employing a double standard Wednesday after threatening to ban The…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @RobManess: Watch: I will not kneel to disrespect our flag, national anthem, in deference to anyone, and especially to the ideo…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @FDRLST: Be sure to subscribe to The Federalist's YouTube channel for in-depth, daily coverage from our team of journalists.…