Deleted Tweets From Jim Simpson, R-Md.
Jim Simpson's accounts: jamesmsimpson
Tracked Between: February 15, 2020-July 09, 2020
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @RobManess: Wow. If a GOP Mayor did this all hell would break loose in the media! [VIDEO] NYC Mayor de Blasio Orders Police to…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @PJS18463750: Jim Jordan: States are reopening why won't Congress?
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@GovLarryHogan #ReopenMaryland The cure will be worse than the disease. People are already dying because they can't get "elective" surgery. How many more will die, how many more will lose their businesses before you say ENOUGH!
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Tomorrow night (Thursday 4/30) at 7:30pm ET. Don't miss this event. It will be Facebook Live on or you can register here and watch via Zoom:
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
LOL QT @no_silenced: Are the people in China who are checking people for Corona called “Chinese Checkers”.???🧐)
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
I've worked the coronavirus front line — and I say it's time to start opening up Yes it is! NOW. @realdonaldtrump #ReopenMD @reopenmaryland
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @buttersflykiss: This is total BS. Patriots READ this pinned letter from fellow Patriot in Arkansas, home of Tyson Foods Deep State… QT @PROUDPATRIOT45: 👀 I missed a lot today. 34K chickens die in farm fires in North Carolina, Virginia
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @paul_coyer: My book, "L'Etica del Nazionalismo" (The #Ethics of #Nationalism) is now available (for you #Italian readers) on…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@reopenmaryland QT @jamesmsimpson: Tomorrow night (Thursday 4/30) at 7:30pm ET. Don't miss this event. It will be Facebook Live on…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@jokesonus4sure This is the Left's true fantasy. Uniforms and all.
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
Trump's coronavirus disinfectant comments "dangerous," doctors say: Incredible how these stories twist what the president says into "injecting household disinfectants." He was commenting on ideas his advisors had suggested! @realdonaldtrump @realjameswoods
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
The Truth Behind Covid19 Should Make You Furious: via @mychalmassie Good post by Mychal.
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @frankgaffney: Read/hear more
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @CHoltonCSP: Trump says he's instructed Navy to 'destroy' any Iranian gunboats harassing US ships | Fox News
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @frankgaffney: Iran is threatening to attack US Navy vessels. ��@realDonaldTrump has made clear that we’ll sink the mullahs’ gun…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @CortesSteve: Here, the head of the media arm of the Chinese Communist Party continues to effectively campaign against Pres Trump. Sudde… QT @HuXijin_GT: You "strongly believe"?Is that all, @SecPompeo? I strongly believe that the US administration has repeatedly conspi…
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@dcodrea Yes I did. Absolutely the case. "Demographics is destiny" as they have said repeatedly amongst themselves while denying it publicly and calling us racists for telling on them!
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
@frankgaffney @realDonaldTrump Can't wait to see the videos of those boats being vaporized!
jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)
RT @dcodrea: @jamesmsimpson Thanks Jim-- I wanted to make sure you saw this one: