Deleted Tweets From Katie Arrington, R-S.C.
Katie Arrington's accounts: karringtonsc
Tracked Between: April 02, 2018-October 02, 2022
karringtonsc (R-S.C.)
Great opportunity speaking with voters in Port Royal at Shellring Ale Works. #SC01
karringtonsc (R-S.C.)
Thank you to the people of Bluffton for another great Flooding Solutions Roundtable! The photos, experiences, and ideas you bring to the table are invaluable in helping to create real & lasting solutions for our communities. #SC1
karringtonsc (R-S.C.)
RT @FoxBusiness: Rep. @karringtonsc on her victory over Rep. Mark Sanford in the SC primary: "We need to have people in Washington w…
karringtonsc (R-S.C.)
Interviewing with Sun City TV at their annual Memorial Weekend softball tournament. #SC1
karringtonsc (R-S.C.)
RT @JeremyT1231: Saw so many great representatives staying late to fight for the people of South Carolina! Thank you so much for all…
karringtonsc (R-S.C.)
Blessing of the Fleet with the family.