Deleted Tweets From Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
Kevin McCarthy's accounts: kevinomccarthy, SpeakerMcCarthy
Tracking Since: December 05, 2008
RT @HouseGOP: Dems continue to say 'no' to #jobs & energy. RT @thehill: Reid: Obama should veto #KeystoneXL:
One House fix to #Obamacare’s many #BrokenPromises:
#EPA’s attempt at an unprecedented power grab will saddle hardworking Americans, small businesses, & farmers.
My prayers are w/ the family & colleagues of James Foley. ISIS has proven itself to be the purest form of evil and must confronted head on.
@DrillerFootball @zewing donation made and challenged completed
CA is suffering through the worst drought in state's history, but POTUS will use trip west to meet w/ donors & push radical climate agenda.
The President's responsibilities don't stop when he's out of the office. RT if you agree.
The House has been at work reigning in wasteful spending under the Obama admin to get our #debt problem under control
The House passed another #jobs day today. Who says summer Fridays aren't productive? (cc: @SenatorReid)
#SenateMustAct on over 40 House-passed #jobs bills that would increase put Americans back to work and increase economic growth.
@RT @SpeakerBoehner Live at 10:00 am ET: Gold Medal ceremony for @PresidentPeres of #Israel → #PeresUSA
One of govt’s biggest failures is taking hard-earned money from Americans & spending on things the private sector can do better. #FNS
RT @FoxNewsSunday: .@GOPWhip on U.S. options in #Iraq: I would put everything on the table. #FNS
BREAKING: The House has just voted to restore integrity to the services we provide our veterans #VAaccountibility
RT @weeklystandard: Obamacare Contractor Pays Employees to Spend Their Days Doing Nothing
On this day in 1945, Victory was celebrated here at home. Thank you to America's greatest generation. #VEDay #WWII #MilitaryAppreciationWeek
Charter schools empower parents to have a voice in their children's education #schoolchoice