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Deleted Tweets From Lauren Boebert, R-Colo.

Deleted Tweets From Lauren Boebert, R-Colo.

Lauren Boebert's accounts: laurenboebert, RepBoebert

Tracking Since: December 08, 2019

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.@TedCruz told Beto he was out of line and an embarrassment. Fact Check: True.

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Proud to have had a sneak peek at @AlexEpstein’s new book. Fossil fuels are not a thing of the past, they are the present and the future! https://t.co/iysRhqzSCs QT @AlexEpstein: My new book Fossil Future comes out today, and not a moment too soon. Anti-fossil fuel policies have caused a glob… https://t.co/7HZ8SqvWhf)

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Today at 5:12pm the Forest Service sent me an email saying they are pausing all prescribed fire operations for 90-days. This bureaucratic decision will only result in more catastrophic wildfires as more fuel will stay on the ground. Chief Moore will be hearing from me about this! https://t.co/d7hgyqdoIq

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When President Trump wanted to spend $25 billion to build a wall to protect America, Democrats said no. Now that Ukraine needs to protect it’s borders, Congress sends them $40 billion bill. America First!

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Democrats in the Capitol are mourning the loss of their Minister of Truth and their Peleton membership which has been canceled. Tough.

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Today is a great day for free speech. For Nina Jancowicz…not so much.

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When I introduced a bill with @RepDanBishop stating that our tax dollars should not be paying for crack pipes - Psaki and the "fact checkers" slammed us saying we were wrong. Turns out, as usual, the Biden regime and the "fact checkers" were lying.

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Leftists were outraged about Elon Musk spending $44 billion to buy Twitter and not using that money for their Socialist demands. But they have no problem spending $40 billion of your tax dollars on more aid for Ukraine with little direction on where that money will actually go.

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RT @chiproytx: Met with great West Virginians who love America - and are voting for @MooneyforWV tomorrow! A few even recognized this craz… QT @chiproytx: VOTE TOMORROW, #WV2! Great to be out in Charles Town, WV knocking doors & helping my friend @MooneyforWV. Great to… https://t.co/nyZpSOXxG5)

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How can Utah support someone who cant make up their mind? QT @MehdiHasanShow: Evan McMullin, now trying to unseat Mike Lee, was staunchly anti-abortion in 2016. Yet he tells @mehdirhasan he now… https://t.co/u96T5hI1bw)

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If your response is to the SCOTUS news is to dust off your stupid pink hat from 2016 and go march to support infanticide, re-evaluate your entire life.

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RT @CassSebastian: They’ll have to pass “Biden Care” before we’ll know what’s in it.

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@elonmusk They want us all to live in the same state of misery that they are in. Not on my watch!

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My most recent newsletter is a must-read! I'm standing in the gap to fight woke policies, secure the border, stand for freedom, and bring your ideas to Congress. Get your daily dose of real, unscripted news here! https://t.co/W2ATCFoQje

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Border Patrol stopped 23 people on the terror database that the Southern Border in 2021. Imagine how many they DIDN'T stop.

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What did Hochul know and did she know it when she picked Brian Benjamin? New York needs to elect @LeeZeldin so it can FINALLY have a Governor that isn’t surrounded by corruption scandals. The last time they had a Governor that didn’t go down in a trash heap of scandal was 2006!

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After passing a bill to murder your unborn children, Colorado Democrats are now working on a bill to lower penalties on Fentanyl possession. You don’t solve the Fentanyl crisis by making life easier on dealers. Tell me you hate our children without telling me.

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RT @RubinReport: Just added! Congresswoman @laurenboebert will be joining me in Denver on May 18th! Tickets for all shows: https://t.co/b… QT @RubinReport: Join me on tour! Guests… @DonaldJTrumpJr West Palm @bennyjohnson Clearwater @andrewklavan Raleigh @michaelmalicehttps://t.co/Y9w9G3oMxZ)

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Twitter is so fragile about their worldview they’ve locked out a parody website from posting. @BabylonBee did nothing wrong, but it seems some power-hungry engineer over in Silicon Valley skipped biology class.

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Our Second Amendment says NOTHING about a federal agency keeping a registry of gun owners. As the co-chair Second Amendment Caucus, I am calling for a vote on @RepCloudTX's bill ENDING this illegal registry!

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Biden will be speaking with Xi Jinping tomorrow. I guess it’s it’s time for his quarterly performance review.

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A strong border is number one when it comes to national security. Dems want to open the borders to anyone who wants to come in, no questions asked. Join me in fighting the Biden/Harris Border Crisis. Chip in $20 to stop amnesty for 20 million illegals. https://t.co/AzCr1EXv8S

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Our country may seem be lost, but the faith that I have in the American people has not wavered one bit. We will be stronger than ever before after this awful President and his enablers. We will come back and no one will get in our way.

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The @NelkBoys did an interview with President Trump. It got 5,000,000 views in 24 hours. YouTube just took it down. Big tech is a broken and needs to be brought to heel.

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RT @chiproytx: THREAD: “Last night, after Dems blocked a sensible approach to impose a strict Russian energy import ban, sever nor… https://t.co/yVWSfBUTOy

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RT @RepDanBishop: Pelosi’s so-called Russia sanctions bill last night epitomizes everything wrong with the Democrat party. First, th… https://t.co/8bmkSNoHYx

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When is the last time any of these career politicians actually had to fill up their gas tanks themselves? They have no clue of what we’re all paying. No wonder they’re not immediately prioritizing American energy independence.

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The last time we saw gas prices this high, Joe Biden was in the White House.

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Every word you heard from Joe Biden was a lie. We expected bad, but the #SOTU is worse than we ever could’ve imagined. Let’s take our country back in 2022 - donate today and help us ensure victory! https://t.co/ORFn5nQFsl

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RT @TommyAltman: God bless @laurenboebert for speaking up during the #SOTU about the 13 service members we lost due to Biden’s faile… https://t.co/Bow0XYALbj

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President Trump’s tax cuts put more money in all Americans pockets. Biden’s massive trillion dollar spending sprees have led to the highest inflation in 40 years and hit all Americans’ pocketbooks.

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White House staff have seats on the floor while members of Congress have been placed in the gallery. Totally absurd. All Members should exit the gallery and head to the floor where they belong. #SOTU

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Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is proving to be a fearless leader standing up to a tyrant. Now is not the time for Biden to be going soft on sanctions. Now is not the time to continue buying Russian oil. Cut them off!

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We aren't a few solar panel installations away from stopping Putin and China.

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The Forest Service’s proposal to increase fees by $1,400 for local communications towers utilized by counties is a top-down, one size one-size-fits-all mandate drafted by some bureaucrat in Washington that doesn’t understand the West or rural communities. https://t.co/gdq0DRT14m

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The Forest Service’s proposal to increase fees by $1,4000 for local communications towers utilized by counties is a top-down, one size one-size-fits-all mandate drafted by some bureaucrat in Washington that doesn’t understand the West or rural communities. https://t.co/gdq0DRT14m

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The Biden regime shouldn’t be funneling taxpayer dollars to leftwing non-governmental organizations for lawyers to prevent illegal aliens from being deported. My bill closes the loophole being exploited by open-border extremists. https://t.co/wy4FjeqtKB

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We the people have had enough and will no longer put up with foreign nationals breaking our laws, illegally crossing the southern border, and funding legal services at taxpayer expense to prevent deportation. It’s called America First! QT @FoxNews: Boebert seeks to ban federally funded legal aid to illegal immigrants https://t.co/qzZFS0HA5o)

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Waiting on the fact-checkers to give this one million Pinocchios. Anyone want to tell Joe and his ignorant Covidians about the vaccine industry? QT @townhallcom: BIDEN: Gun manufacturers are "the only industry in America that is exempted from being sued, and I find it to be ou… https://t.co/ejsWnboGzo)

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When you’ve got Alejandro Mayorkas admitting that illegal immigration is worse than it has ever been, you know this are truly dire.

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Democrats: Donald Trump’s attacks on the press are on attack on the First Amendment. Joe Biden to Peter Doocy: “What a stupid son of a b*tch.” Democrats: *silence* https://t.co/CdzwXuK3hu

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Why does Pelosi think she derives the authority to demand this? Members of Congress are public servants and we should be open to our constituents. There should be no such thing as a “political class”. https://t.co/NBvKTK0AFJ

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Spending $5 trillion is not the way to cure inflation, Joe. I don't know who loaded that line in your teleprompter, but they're wrong.

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A Democrat's answer to a wildly unpopular agenda is not to get more of the people on their side. If they can't pass it with the amount of power voters gave them, they say democeacy "isn't working" and the rules need to be changed.

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An awful shooting spree took place last night in Denver. My heart goes out to the victims & their families. I remain grateful to our men & women in blue, and grateful they are not defunded, allowing them to hire officers & have the right equipment to respond tragedies like this.

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