Deleted Tweets From Louise Slaughter, D-N.Y.
Louise Slaughter's accounts: louiseslaughter, VoteLouiseNY
Tracked Between: December 08, 2011-March 12, 2018
louiseslaughter (D-N.Y.)
@MishCastillo what's your email? have a release I'd like to send you on your post on the Consumer Reports story. Thanks
louiseslaughter (D-N.Y.)
RT @MonroeCC: "Community colleges are key to getting NY where it deserves to be: #1 in manufacturing, #1 in education." - Rep. @LouiseSlaughter at #MCC
louiseslaughter (D-N.Y.)
Deaf .. Beautiful! This week is Rochester Deaf Awareness Week. Check out the calendar below and get involved today!
louiseslaughter (D-N.Y.)
Its true- I'll be on @TheDailyShow tonight with Jon Stewart. Please tune in!