Deleted Tweets From Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.
Matt Gaetz's accounts: mattgaetz, RepMattGaetz
Tracking Since: October 20, 2016
RT @RepMattGaetz: I represent more troops than any other member of this body. I buried one of them earlier today at Arlington. If o…
RT @RepMattGaetz: While 2020 is a new year, it brought no new agenda for Democrats. They know the Trump economy is roaring and the…
RT @PhilAmmann: #Florida @GovRonDesantis orders flags at half-staff to honor victims of NAS Pensacola shooting via @Fla_Pol…
Sorry for all the prosperity? QT @Lady_E_88: @mattgaetz Yuck - I live in Florida 🤣🤣)
RT @marcorubio: Pray for these brave young Americans who remain at their post at the Embassy in Baghdad while an Iranian directed mob attac… QT @NewsBreaking: BREAKING VIDEO: Video shows U.S. embassy military guards remain at U.S. Embassy in Baghdad as attack on embassy is…
RT @HomelandKen: The attacker is the US Citizen son of an illegal alien who got amnesty under the 1986 amnesty law for illegal immig…
RT @RepMattGaetz: Democrats are trying to cut and run on their own impeachment because they see that it is a failure. (@jeff_poor…
RT @RepMattGaetz: While Republicans didn’t win the vote, we unquestionably won the argument. Tonight we showed that with sound argum…
RT @RepMattGaetz: Those who vote "yes" on today’s articles of impeachment must carry the heavy burden of shame and guilt for as long…
RT @RepMattGaetz: .@RepAdamSchiff told us there was no FISA abuse. Why would the American people believe a single thing Adam Schiff…
RT @NextRevFNC: TONIGHT! See @RepMattGaetz on #NextRevFNC! Tune in at 9pm ET on @FoxNews!
RT @RaheemKassam: Democrats Are Scrambling To Find A Backup Plan After Wednesday's #ImpeachmentHearings
RT @CBSNews: Rep. Matt Gaetz says Congress can be focusing on more "urgent" issues than impeachment — like trade, drug prices an…
RT @RepMattGaetz: This is the most partisan presidential impeachment in American history. The American people are thriving. Why won’…
RT @ABC: Ranking member of the Judiciary Committee Rep. Matt Gaetz says shooting at Florida naval base "of course... has to…
COMING UP: I will be on @CuomoPrimeTime to discuss @SpeakerPelosi's recommendation to move forward on impeachment and more. Tune in to @CNN at 11:00pm ET/ 10:00pm CT!
RT @BrianKempGA: The attacks and games are absolutely absurd. Frankly, I could care less what the political establishment thinks. Ha…
RT @HillsboroughGOP: Patriots! JOIN US for our Lincoln Day Dinner on November 23rd! The theme is 'Celebrating Women' w/Keynote Speaker,…
RT @RepMattGaetz: It's not every day @CNN proves @realDonaldTrump right on live television.