Deleted Tweets From Martin Cowen, X-Ga.
Martin Cowen's accounts: mlcowen
Tracked Between: April 26, 2021-June 22, 2022
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule ~ H. L. Mencken
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @akheriaty: Our public health establishment has no explanation for the historically unprecedented 40% rise in all-cause mortali…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ianmSC: Cases in Germany are now more than 5x higher than on October 26th when The Atlantic said vaccine passports & N95’s…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @aerojacket89: @POTUS and his supporters are trying to tell us this is normal and all is well.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: Narrative Collapse! From England To Israel, Governments Race To Abandon Vaccine Passports!
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: Imagine if 10 years ago I'd tell you that the DNC and Dems would be supporting Mega Crony Corporatist Pharma and Bi…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: George Carlin - All this security is about reducing your liberty and just to remind you they can F**k with you anytime they want.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @MichaelPSenger: Public health’s truth problem. “Throughout the pandemic, medical and scientific institutions have disseminated dubi…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @PrisonPlanet: Fact checkers say <narrative that contradicts regime> isn't happening.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: Once Government acquires vast power, “the readiness to do bad things becomes a path to promotion” ~ Hayek
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: Faucism will be a stain on the history of medicine and science, like Lysenkoism. A reminder all ages have their charlatans.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @JackPosobiec: From 1957-1959 as millions were starving to death from the Great Leap Forward, the CCP rounded up anyone who critic…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @SenatorBrakey: I fear the day drone warfare comes to America. Imagine living in that constant state of fear — the way civilians i…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ZubyMusic: Stop calling people 'the unvaccinated'. Everybody was 'the unvaccinated' a mere 12 months ago. It's not some new…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ZubyMusic: All 'vaccinated' people will join the ranks of 'the unvaccinated' in a matter of months anyway... unless you keep t…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @mcennery: The science. QT @RobertKennedyJr: Death certificate data from CDC show excess deaths increased by more than 40% among Americans 18 to 49 years old du…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: After decades of training people to just repeat what they've been told, it is very dangerous to let them be exposed to independent thoughts
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @justin_hart: The craziest self-own video from the World Economic Forum. Short version: we, the elite, are so awesome together! B…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ThomasEWoods: This reporter is wearing a suffocation mask and a face shield. In the future, more rational people WILL laugh at this, g… QT @aginnt: The hospitals in Australia are so “overwhelmed”… but they still have time to dance and keep the hallways clear and…