Deleted Tweets From Martin Cowen, X-Ga.
Martin Cowen's accounts: mlcowen
Tracked Between: April 26, 2021-June 22, 2022
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @SharylAttkisson: Whatever it is that they don't want you to see or learn about-- you should actively seek out. In this way, we can o…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @jordanbpeterson: Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @JackPosobiec: The Epstein Network Nobody leaks Nobody talks Everybody walks
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @USlawreview: Trump didn't lock up anyone. He hired endless deep state rats. He enabled & legitimized this entire Covid Charade w…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: Masks: "Consistent with Dr. Fauci's earlier statements, the peer-reviewed scientific literature has steadfastly ref…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ZubyMusic: This decade has been trash so far tbh.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ianmSC: In yet another stunning success for mask mandates, cases in California are up an astonishing 265% in only two weeks…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ThomasEWoods: So you're wearing a piece of paper over your face, full of holes all around it, and you're outdoors. That ought to show t… QT @NikkiFried: As COVID surges in Florida again, our governor is absent. So here I am doing his job and mine with an update.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @jeffreyatucker: To think: this whole disaster began with the great state project of reducing cases to control the spread and stamp…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @RandPaul: Hearing the same thing from doctors treating COVID in Louisiana — Biden admin has cancelled monoclonal antibody shi…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @P_McCulloughMD: States need Surgeon General/DHHS Director(s) with strength, conviction, and a dedication to patient care to ensure…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: "CDC later admitted that only 6% of COVID deaths occured in entirely healthy individuals. The remaining 94% suffer…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @SKMorefield: The U.S. continues to break records both in percentage of its population vaccinated AND Covid-19 case levels. Clear…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: Understanding Corporate Media/Social Media: Informed debate on issues of substance are replaced with celebrity goss…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: "Fauci's libertine approach to facts......The blatant and relentless manipulation of data to serve the vaccine agen…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ComicDaveSmith: You’re watching the narrative of the covid regime collapse in real time. It’s beautiful.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: 1984: Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them toget…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @catoletters: What kind of a monster would fund or work on genetically modifying a virus so that it would jump to Humans, spread…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
Some vaccine mandates may leave US vulnerable at home and abroad as omicron numbers surge #FoxNews