Deleted Tweets From Martin Cowen, X-Ga.
Martin Cowen's accounts: mlcowen
Tracked Between: April 26, 2021-June 22, 2022
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @breeadail: President Joe Biden, while condemning China's persecution of political prisoners, seems to forget his DOJ has dozen…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @TheLittleDusty: With the government monopoly on taxation (aka theft), use of force & when to use both, what could possibly go wrong? ht… QT @CatoPress: "All laws must ultimately be enforced at gunpoint. As @CatoInstitute’s @walterolson noted... 'Don’t pass a law unle…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
Putin Alleges Americans Arrested for Breaching Capitol on Jan. 6 Are Facing 'Persecution for Political Opinions' via @WestJournalism
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @MarlaIsAwesome: “There is no law so obscene that the police are unwilling to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of inno… QT @DrRJKavanagh: Police in Ocean City Maryland tasered a 17-year-old teenager after they accused him of vaping yesterday.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @RealSpikeCohen: We warned this would happen. This is how laws are enforced. Now watch what happens with menthols. QT @DrRJKavanagh: Police in Ocean City Maryland tasered a 17-year-old teenager after they accused him of vaping yesterday.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @JackPosobiec: Putin: Who ordered the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and was shot and killed by a policem…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @IDJoe4Congress: When US law enforcement is nothing more than the enforcement wing of corporate monopolies... Tazed a kid for vaping…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @Rifleman4WVU: Putin asks the question gutless GOP elites won't ask. Ironic❗ � Putin Asks Reporter If US 'Assassinated' Ashli Ba…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @billybinion: The biggest takeaway from that awful video in Ocean City: Dumb laws lead to police brutality. Every law you pass…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ComicDaveSmith: I’m hearing a ton of this lately. I’m not surprised by the unethical behavior of @jbhenchman and others, stealing @LPNH… QT @ReedCoverdale: I’m going to join the @LPMisesCaucus. I’ve stayed out of the caucus business mostly symbolically, but I don’t want…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @LPTexas: Supporting a law = supporting violence to enforce it. QT @TobaccoFreeKids: Our statement on the disturbing law enforcement incident that occurred in Ocean City, MD.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @IDJoe4Congress: I have an idea to end violent crimes... Stop making bullshit laws for cops to taze kids over.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ShaneTHazel: There is no law so petty that the #MurderCult won’t send thugs to cage & kill you. QT @DrRJKavanagh: Police in Ocean City Maryland tasered a 17-year-old teenager after they accused him of vaping yesterday.
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ThomasEWoods: 100% true QT @MisesCaucusNH: LP National spent more time and energy fighting our tweets than they did lockdowns)
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @MisesCaucusNH: LP National spent more time and energy fighting our tweets than they did lockdowns
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @TexasLiberty15: THANK YOU @IvoryHecker !! QT @EricSpracklen: BREAKING: Fox 26 Houston TV Reporter @IvoryHecker Informs Network LIVE ON AIR That She Has Been Secretly Recording…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @ComicDaveSmith: Isn’t it hilariously ironic that we absolutely have to elect @angela4LNCChair as the next LP Chair to ensure that t…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @Graham4GA: I'm dismayed by what I'm seeing out of national "leadership" of the Libertarian Party. Thankfully, it just encoura…
mlcowen (X-Ga.)
RT @justinamash: As Libertarians, we champion due process. There’s only one legitimate executive committee of @LPNH, and that’s the one elected in March.