Deleted Tweets From Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.
RT @mtgreenee: Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization. RT if you agree!
Congrats to Jim of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, the winner of my national gun giveaway! I'm honored to present it to him today at Relic Hunter Firing Line in Coplay, Pennsylvania! More gun giveaways to come! SAVE AMERICA. STOP SOCIALISM. DEFEAT THE DEMOCRATS!
Correct! QT @RealRLimbaugh: If the mainstream media says the debate was a draw, that translates to a GRAND SLAM home run by Trump.)
Is the price that Joe is going to make Russia pay the $3.5 million from the Moscow mayor’s wife? #BidenCrimeFamily #PresidentialDebate2020
Fake News @CNN’s @emsteck just asked for comment on the same old nonsense. Here’s my response.
RT @Raiklin: @Comey Absolutely! Vote for the following women for Congress on Nov 3! Laura Loomer @JulieReichwein1…
.@realDonaldTrump is not running against Joe Biden. There’s nothing there to run against. Trump is running against the Democrat activist in the media. This has been the case for 4 years. When Trump wins he will have beaten the liars in the media.
Nancy Pelosi's behavior has been reprehensible. Last year I started an "Impeach Pelosi" petition that over 400k+ Americans have signed. Please sign my petition and pass it on to family & friends: We must take back the House and kick Pelosi to the curb!
RT @derekahunter: What @Twitter shows you when you try to tweet the @JoeBiden corruption story from the @nypost on their mobile app.…
Antifa media not reporting on this. They don’t tell in their own. Journalism is dead! QT @TaylerUSA: Yesterday in Denver a Conservative was executed by Matt Dolloff @DenverPolice claim he has no connections to ANTI…
I would say hopefully we can work well together in January, but it’s likely passing useless resolutions that don’t target the real threat are why you got primaried. Your meddling in my election didn’t didn’t hurt me either. America is ready for Republicans that fight back. QT @RepRiggleman: .@mtgreenee
RT @LaurieBelindo: @DrewGriffinCNN @mtgreenee is wise enough to know that regardless of what she says, you’ll twist her words to use them against her.
.@RepRiggleman, the Denver gunman who killed a Trump supporter is another Bernie disciple (Congress shooter targeted GOP in 17, was too) You condemned millions of inmocent Americans last week, r u ready to write up a resolution to condemn BLM / ANTIFA ... even Bernie supporters? QT @RepRiggleman: .@mtgreenee my thoughts last night were w/ the family of the man killed Don’t encourage those who are fact challe…
RT @bigleaguepol: REVEALED: Charged Denver Shooter Matthew Dolloff’s Left-Wing Facebook Posts
Hey @Malinowski and @DenverRigglema5, I assume you're working late tonight putting together a resolution condemning Antifa and "rejecting" the violence they promote? Antifa is no "conspiracy theory." #AntifaTerrorists QT @DineshDSouza: Tell us Joe Biden. This man who was shot and killed by an #Antifa militant in Denver—was he murdered by an IDEA?
BRING THE HOME! Too many trillions of our tax dollars spent on foreign wars ... far too many American lives! #AmericaFirst
RT @Breaking911: BREAKING: @LindseyGrahamSC: "We've got the votes to confirm Justice Ginsburg's replacement before the election. That's what's coming."