Deleted Tweets From Mark Burns, R-S.C.
Mark Burns's accounts: pastormarkburns
Tracked Between: August 06, 2021-January 22, 2023
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
Gustopo FBI & Big Tech Facebook are to blame for suppressing Hunter Biden's Laptop just like they Suppress Religious Freedom & Conservatives.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
“We are not backing down! If God be with us then who can be against us!” - Pastor Mark Burns @americanfreedomtour #AmericanFreedomTour
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
RT @KihneSheila: If you like Southern Charm & Soap operas - this one takes the cake! The texts!! The video!! �� Don’t cheat on your…
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
RT @Craig76146970: Please follow and support Trumps most devoted Pastor Mark Burns, this is a Great man!
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
RT @getgeorgiaright: Finally a #GAGovernor candidate unafraid of taking a #StandForLife! #GApol #ProLife #ProLifeGeneration #SCOTUS #ROE #… QT @DavidPerdueGA: Bonnie & I believe every child is a gift from God. Any ruling from the Supreme Court that would save innocent lives…
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
RT @inferiorworld: Watch Pastor Mark Burns full speech at RNC via @TPT
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
When I re-enact the House Un-American Activities Committee #HUAC @DrOz will be investigated by the committee for holding Turkish citizenship while running for federal office. Our elected official’s loyalty should be solely to the #USA and NOBODY else.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
I stand with @Kathy4Truth for Senate over pro-Abortion, pro-abortion, pro-trans, anti-gun Dr. Oz.
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
RT @FoxNews: Fauci says he'll leave White House if Trump wins 2024 election
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
pastormarkburns (R-S.C.)
It amazes me that some people will say, "Keep Religions Out of Politics." Evil Lives in Politics. They have no issue expressing their views and beliefs openly and boldly. So the Word of God must also Live in Politics to keep Evil from taking over. I will Stop Fighting For God!